Author: Susan Podebradsky

Weekly News – RE

Religious Education Update – OWL

* Tonight at 5:30, we’ll have a fire at Hoyt Park. Come masked, and be ready to receive a small surprise for our young people. The fireplace is first come, first served but there are twelve on-site, so I’m sure we’ll find … read more.

Senior Coffee Chat Thursdays at 10

From Virginia Scholtz: Does it seem like a too-long stretch between Sundays? Too long to wait for JRUUC worship service; too long to wait for Coffee Hour?

Let’s try a mid-week coffee hour. Since I am a senior, I would call this a Senior Coffee Chat. The definition of senior is … read more.

COVID Numbers Declining

Great news! The Dane County CovidActNow risk level has dropped to “very high,” and have been there for six days. Assuming the downward trend continues, we can begin in-person small groups, choir rehearsals, and limited capacity worship tomorrow! Hopefully this is the last day that JRUUC is in … read more.