Author: Susan Podebradsky

Exploring Membership?

We hold a new Exploring Membership class each spring and fall. Inspired by one another, we will explore: what we hold sacred, Unitarian Universalism, gems about JRUUC, and the expectations of membership.

Attendance in this class does not require you to join, just explore! If you … read more.

COVID Update & Mask News

Do you need a KN95 mask? Masks have been made available through Public Health Madison & Dane County, and we now have 250 of them. They’ll be in our building to use when we open for small groups and worship, and are available now if you need them for … read more.

Minister’s Musings – Inclusivity 2/9/22

Our February theme: “Widening the Circle”

Check-in question: How has your definition of racism widened or shifted since you were younger?

It’s the community’s job to figure out how we can stretch into the so-called margins to broaden our understanding and the ability to be inclusive. Inclusivity is … read more.

Minister’s Musings – Imbolc & Groundhogs 2/2/22

Our February theme: “Widening the Circle”

This month’s theme invites us to consider the social, spiritual, or political circles we make, find, maintain, leave, and/or break. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.

Check-in question: How has your definition of … read more.