Getting To Know JRUUC Class
March 22 10:30-3:30 “Getting To Know JRUUC” Class
All those interested are invited to participate in a “Getting To Know JRUUC” class from 10:30-3:30 on Saturday, March 22. Lunch will be provided during a mid-day break.
Anyone new to JRUUC, long term friend, or member wanting to know more about JRUUC and UU history is welcome to attend. Those who are considering membership but have not taken the class previously are especially encouraged to participate.
We’ll explore what we each hold sacred, Unitarian Universalism, the history and bylaws of JRUUC, expectations of membership, and any questions you may have.
Childcare can be available if needed.
This is a good opportunity to connect with others and build relationships! If you’d like to participate, or if you have questions about the class, please contact the Membership Team
The “Getting To Know JRUUC” class happens 2 times per year, once in the fall, and once in the spring.
Attendance in this class does not require that you join, just explore! It’s a good opportunity to connect with other newcomers and build relationships. Inspired by one another, we’ll explore:
- What we each hold sacred
- Unitarian Universalism
- Gems about JRUUC
- Expectations of membership
- Questions you may have
If you have not yet signed up but would like to attend, or want more information, please contact the Membership Team.
Adults who feel in sympathy with the purposes and programs of JRUUC can sign the official Membership Book at any time. There is a bi-annual Joining Service to honor our new members. Individuals interested in joining congregation usually attend an Exploring Membership class to learn more about the congregation and Unitarian Universalism.
The life of each JRUUC member can be enriched by the privilege of being a steward of the congregation, thereby bettering our society, our fellow congregants, and ourselves. Supporting our Unitarian Universalist principles is, indeed, a privilege. Members are stewards of our Beloved Community by . . .
- Making a financial commitment / contribution of record
- Participating in worship services
- Voting at Congregational Meetings
- Serving on the Board of Trustees, a Committee, or Task Force
- Volunteering in the Religious Education program or other area
- Supporting Reeb with Talent, Time, and Treasure

Book-signed members receive a copy of the UU World magazine sent to their house, so it’s important to update mailing addresses with the JRUUC Office.
Additionally, JRUUC contributes to the wider UU movement by sending money to the Unitarian Universalist Association and to the MidAmerica Region on behalf of each member. Fair Share contributions for 2016-2017 are $60 and $25 per book-signed member, respectively.
Join the online conversation in this Facebook group for Members and Friends of JRUUC.