COVID Update – Level 3 and Survey

May 25, 2021 Update – With new infections declining, JRUUC has dropped to Level 3 of our Covid-19 Strategic Plan. What has changed? Starting June 6, online Sunday services may be presented from the sanctuary instead of only from homes. Outdoor JRUUC gatherings have new flexibility: event organizers will keep sign-in sheets but have the option not to require pre-registration; restrooms in the JRUUC building are open for use; and singing together can begin in small groups. See the Level 3 guidelines for specifics.

A Note from Rev. Karen about Worship at Levels 3 and 2 of Our Strategic Plan

Last week, I wrote that we’ll begin to have worship streamed from the sanctuary at Level 3 – and here we are!  This Sunday’s service was pre-recorded, so you won’t get to see our sanctuary just yet.  But next week’s Flower Communion will be a celebration of the start of leading worship from our building! 

I also mentioned that, when we reach Level 2, I’d like to prioritize the people who have been underserved during our time of virtual operations, to invite to witness the first few services in which we may have participants in the sanctuary.  If that’s you, please let me know!

On that note, I invite all of you to fill out this survey by June 9 so we can get a sense of how you’re feeling about your connection to our beloved community.