Justice & Community Update
- Exciting New Course on Responding to the Anti-Trans Movement!
- UUA Side With Love: Action Center – Includes weekly updates on actions you can take on social justice issues
- Postcards for Spring Election Update
- April 1 – Spring Election in Wisconsin
- April 10 – MOSES/WISDOM Day of Action
- April 20 – Community Meal & Just Bakery After Service
- Share the Plate Nominations Needed
- River Food Pantry – Service Opportunity with Prairie UU
Check out our weekly newsletter for current events and news
Click Here to Learn About the UUA’s Side With Love Action Center Updates
Exciting New Course on Responding to the Anti-Trans Movement!
The Transforming Hearts Collective have created a self-paced online course for UU congregations called Responding to the Anti-Trans Movement. People can register as individuals, and congregations can register so people can go through the course together. The course looks similar to the powerful workshop the Transforming Hearts Collective led at FUS a few weeks ago. Now we can do it online! If you’re interested in doing this course – individually or as a group – please email Rev. Karen. She will register Reeb if there’s enough interest to do it as a group, and she would joyfully serve as an on-site facilitator if people were interested in participating in the sessions together at Reeb.
JRUUC Rocked the GOTV Postcards for April 1 Election!
Thank you to the many folks that took postcards home to help WUUSAN in its effort to encourage our fellow Wisconsinites to vote our values. Together we sent out more than 250 postcards!
UUA Joins Lawsuit to Protect Sanctuary Space
The UUA has joined with 27 other religious bodies and denominations in filing a lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s new policy that allows immigration raids, arrests, and other enforcement actions at houses of worship.
“As Unitarian Universalists, fighting for justice and liberation for all people is at the heart of our faith tradition, which recognizes the spark of the divine inherent in every person,” said UUA Executive Vice President Carey McDonald. “Our sacred spaces must continue to offer sanctuary to those who face oppression, violence, or alienation, including immigrant communities.”
Click here to read the UU World article on this lawsuit. And please share widely.
And here are some other UUA resources relevant to these times:
- Community Resilience Hub
- ICE and Immigration Enforcement in Congregations
- Expanding Sanctuary
- Wisdom and inspiration from UUA President, the Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt [2/18/25]
Community Meal Third Sundays After Service
Eating together is one way we build community! Every third Sunday after the service (usually around 11:30-12:30) we gather together to share a meal. Most months, this is a potluck meal where folks are encouraged to either bring a dish to share. We accept cash donations to help defray the costs, but everyone should feel free to come to the meal regardless of their ability to bring a dish or donation. Gluten free and vegan options are always provided.
Want to help? To lessen the burden on third Sunday greeters, Genevieve is asking for volunteers to help with set up/clean up after service on third Sundays for the community meals. Responsibilities will include setting up tables and chairs as well as ensuring the dishwasher is run and all counters are wiped down. Please see Genvieve before or after service or email her at re@jruuc.org if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering.
It’s Time to Vote Again! Wisconsin Spring Election – 4/1/25
Here are some helpful websites so that you can promote self-determination, in alignment with our UU values:
- MyVote.wi.gov – Find out your registration status, where to vote, what’s on your ballot and more
- League of Women Voters of Dane County – Candidate answers and more
- In-Person Absentee Voting in Madison – Locations and dates
- WUUSAN (Wis. UU Social Action Network) – Get out the vote efforts for the Spring Election on April 1st
MOSES/WISDOM Madison Action Day 4/10
Join MOSES and other WISDOM affiliates for Madison Action Day on April 10! Hundreds from around the state will be gathering at the Madison Masonic Center on Wisconsin Avenue in the morning to hear from faith leaders, members of WISDOM affiliates, and people impacted by the criminal legal system. Then we walk together to the state Capitol for a rally on the steps and visits with state legislators. Sign up here. The $35 fee includes a WISDOM T-shirt.
Just Bakery Returns to JRUUC April 20, 2025
Get your goodies after Sunday Services in the foyer and support a just cause, even numbered months on the third Sunday. Both cash and cards are happily accepted. Just Bakery, an initiative of JustDane, is a 12 week educational and vocational training program. The program works with individuals who are experiencing significant barriers to employment (homelessness, justice involved, lack of education, and/or a lack of work history or skills). Learn more about Just Bakery here.
Just Bakery visits JRUUC quarterly.
Minister’s and Board’s Listening Sessions
Save the date for these gatherings after the Sunday Service:
- March 23, 2025, in the sanctuary, after service/11:15 – 12:15 PM
- June 08, 2025, in the sanctuary, after service/11:15 – 12:15 PM
Service Opportunity with Prairie UU at River Food Pantry
Does this sound like a project you’d like to get involved in? On the first Saturday of each month, several Reeb volunteers will join Prairie UU volunteers in putting together lunches for the River Food Pantry. Lunches will be taken to drop-off sites where food insecure folks can get a healthy bite to eat. We work together from 8:30 – 10:30 am at the River Food Pantry, and they have the plan all set up for the volunteers. It’s easy, it can be fun, folks are friendly and the work is rewarding. If we get enough volunteers, it means helping out just 4-6 times a year.
Put your name on the volunteer list by contacting Peggy Haack.
For those new to our congregation, from 2008 until the pandemic of 2020, Reeb volunteers joined with Prairie volunteers to cook a hot breakfast once a month on a Saturday morning at the downtown Men’s Shelter. They now have a new site and a new meal plan, so this is a new way to continue working together in service to our community.
Share the Plate Nominations Needed!
Each week this congregation gives half of all offerings collected in our plate to local organizations whose work furthers our mission.
Do you know of an organization you’d like us to give to? Please nominate them!
In Our Wider Communities…
- What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism – Nationwide News
- Wisconsin UU Social Action Network (WUUSAN) – Working to coordinate efforts for social justice throughout the state all year long, including the “UU the Vote” effort.
- Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice’s calendar – work with folks outside of our congregation to help make change here and now.