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The Immigration and Refugee Rights Justice Action Ministry Meeting Jan. 16 6pm

The IRRJAM invites all anyone interested to attend a meeting on Thursday, January 16 at 6pm. We will hear from Pete about what help local groups supporting immigrants and refugees will be needing as the new federal administration takes over. We will discuss what we, as a congregation and individuals, can do to help. Please join us in person or via zoom. Join Zoom Meeting Here

40th Annual Madison and Dane County MLK Day Observance Events

Friday 1/17 – Monday 1/20

All are invited to attend the Madison King Coalition’s events in honor of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.  Please see here for more information on all events.

  • MLK Free Community Dinner at Gordon Dining & Event Center, 770 W. Dayton St, on Friday 1/17 at 4:30-7:00 pm 
  • MLK Ecumenical Service Monday at S.S. Morris AME Church on Sunday 1/19 at 4:30 – 6:00 pm
  • MLK Youth Call To Service at Madison Central Library on Monday 1/20 at 12:00 – 5:00 pm
  • Protecting Freedom, Justice, and Democracy through Nonviolence Program at the Overture Center for the Arts on Monday 1/20 – Freedom Songs Sing-Along at 5:00 pm, Program at 6:00 pm

An Invitation from the Poor People’s Campaign – Jan. 18th 1pm

Community Announcement: Join the People’s March – Building a movement to unite and fight for our rights. Saturday, January 18 1:00 @ James Madison Park.

On January 18, and throughout Inauguration Weekend, hundreds of everyday people will gather in Madison, WI, and across the nation, to demand a future that centers the needs of the people over the interests of the wealthy elite. Speeches and then a march to the capitol. Find out more about the event here.

People’s March is feminist led, sponsored by a number of organizations. Demands include no genocide, no deportation, no abortion ban, housing, healthcare, union jobs for all, democracy for all, and more. Contact Megan Barry-Lugio for more info or reach out to or visit the Poor People’s Campaign website here.

Community Meal January 19 (Third Sundays After Service)

Eating together is one way we build community!  Every third Sunday after the service (usually around 11:30-12:30) we gather together to share a meal.  Most months, this is a potluck meal where folks are encouraged to either bring a dish to share.  We accept cash donations to help defray the costs, but everyone should feel free to come to the meal regardless of their ability to bring a dish or donation. Gluten free and vegan options are always provided.

January Mealthis Sunday, 1/19.  The meal will be a potluck with everyone encouraged to bring a dish to share. All are welcome regardless of their ability to bring a dish.

February Meal – 2/16.  This meal will be a chili cookoff!  Come sample chilis from Reeb’s many talented chefs or toss your chef hat in the ring to compete to be ultimate chili champions!  Stay tuned for more details.

Want to help?  To lessen the burden on third Sunday greeters, Genevieve is asking for volunteers to help with set up/clean up after service on third Sundays for the community meals. Responsibilities will include setting up tables and chairs as well as ensuring the dishwasher is run and all counters are wiped down. Please see Genvieve before or after service or email her at if you have any questions or are interested in volunteering.

Interfaith Service and Moral Mass Meeting with Repairers of the Breach – Monday January 20th

The inauguration of President Donald J. Trump’s second term coincides with the commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy.  This symbolic overlap presents a critical moment for people of faith and moral conviction to rise together and respond to the deep injustices plaguing our nation.  Join us for For Such A Time As This.  This gathering will take place in Memphis, TN and will be live-streamed.  It will unite faith leaders, community advocates, and people of goodwill, committed to amplifying justice, equity, and love in the face of divisive and regressive forces.  Inspired by Dr. King’s legacy and prophetic vision, this event is a declaration of hope and a moral response to an immoral vision for America.  UUA President Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt is one of the scheduled speakers!  Register here.

Just Bakery Returns to JRUUC February 16, 2025

Get your goodies after Sunday Services in the foyer and support a just cause, even numbered months on the third Sunday. Both cash and cards are happily accepted. Just Bakery, an initiative of JustDane, is a 12 week educational and vocational training program. The program works with individuals who are experiencing significant barriers to employment (homelessness, justice involved, lack of education, and/or a lack of work history or skills). Learn more about Just Bakery here.

Just Bakery visits JRUUC quarterly.

Minister’s and Board’s Listening Sessions

Save the date for these gatherings after the Sunday Service:

  • March 23, 2025, in the sanctuary, after service/11:15 – 12:15 PM
  • June 08, 2025, in the sanctuary, after service/11:15 – 12:15 PM

Service Opportunity with Prairie UU at River Food Pantry

Does this sound like a project you’d like to get involved in?  On the first Saturday of each month, several Reeb volunteers will join Prairie UU volunteers in putting together lunches for the River Food Pantry.  Lunches will be taken to drop-off sites where food insecure folks can get a healthy bite to eat.  We work together from 8:30 – 10:30 am at the River Food Pantry, and they have the plan all set up for the volunteers.  It’s easy, it can be fun, folks are friendly and the work is rewarding. If we get enough volunteers, it means helping out just 4-6 times a year.

Put your name on the volunteer list by contacting Peggy Haack.

For those new to our congregation, from 2008 until the pandemic of 2020, Reeb volunteers joined with Prairie volunteers to cook a hot breakfast once a month on a Saturday morning at the downtown Men’s Shelter.  They now have a new site and a new meal plan, so this is a new way to continue working together in service to our community.

Share the Plate Nominations Needed!

Each week this congregation gives half of all offerings collected in our plate to local organizations whose work furthers our mission.

Do you know of an organization you’d like us to give to? Please nominate them!

In Our Wider Communities…