Why do some eyewitnesses to tragedies help out and others don’t? How does our trust in ourselves and in others allow us to respond to or survive a tragedy?
Our guest speaker is Tamara Dean, a writer who recently returned to Madison after many years in the Driftless area. Her essay collection, Shelter and Storm: At Home in the Driftless, is forthcoming from the University of Minnesota Press in April. [Photo by Kelly Kendall]
The Share the Plate for Sunday March 2 and Sunday March 9 is More for Madison. More for Madison is a redevelopment project of St. John’s Lutheran Church, to demolish their building and replace it with a place where affordable living, stability, and supportive services converge, fostering growth and success. With a rooftop garden, accessible community spaces, and vital social services, St. John’s redevelopment for affordable housing is a testament to their commitment to community, diversity, and holistic care for one another. More for Madison was nominated by Reverend Karen.
Share the Plate – click here to donate
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Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Welcome
- Prelude: “The White Phoenix” by Naoko Ikeda
- Call to Worship
- Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
- Centering in Beauty
- Shared Music: “Gather the Spirit” #347 (gray hymnal)
- Time for All Ages: “How To Heal A Broken Wing” by Bob Graham
- Shared Music: “I know this rose will open/Sé que abrirá esta rosa” #396 (gray hymnal) and #9 (purple hymnal)
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “The Way of the Bodhisattva”
- Reflection: “Buddha and the Bystander” with Tamara Dean
- Offering: “Sun World” by Mike Stimson
- A Story from the Heart, with Eva Wingren
- Joys and Sorrows
- Special Music: “James Reeb” by Mike Stimson
- Shared Music: “Our World Is One World” #134 (gray hymnal)
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
Topics: Trust