We’ll explore the journaling group’s use of writing as a way of finding connection to themselves and others.
The “Journaling With Jean” Small Group Ministry, led by Jean Skinner, started meeting every other Monday during the COVID pandemic. The group is now on summer hiatus, but is always open to anyone.
This service will be led by Jean Skinner and members of the group.
We will have live music during this service.
If you haven’t registered ahead but want to attend on Sunday morning, please come on over! We should have plenty of room this week you will just have to sign in at the door.
Share the Plate
The Share the Plate for August 21st and 28th is Literacy Network. Literacy Network helps adults in Dane County build skills, reach goals and connect communities by offering free tutoring for immigrants, refugees and others who want to improve their reading and writing skills.
Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Centering Sound
- Welcome
- Prelude: “Voice Still and Small” by John Corrado
- Call to Worship – Jean Skinner, Virginia Scholtz
- Opening Hymn: #346 “Come Sing a Song With Me”
- Lighting the Chalice – Deb Myrbo
- Musical Response – Karol Niemann
- Time for All Ages: “Her Story,” Charlotte Waisman & Jill Tietjen
- Hymn: #1003 “Where Do We Come From”
- Wisdom/Relections “Journaling to Find Your Inner Voice” – Janet Rex, Kirsten Johnson, Virginia Scholtz, Heike Saynisch, Jean Skinner
- Participation: Gratitude Journal – Jean Skinner
- Offering: “Poem” by Yiruma – Heather Yonker
- Joys and Sorrows
- Closing Hymn: #391 “Voice Still and Small” – Susan Podebradsky
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction – Susan Podebradsky
More about our Small Group Ministry, including the Journaling Group
Janet’s collage mentioned in her Reflection: