Ali Muldrow, former Reeber, current MMSD Board member, and GSAFE Co-executive Director, will reflect on our monthly theme of living with intention.
Share the Plate
Our Share the Plate recipient this week is The Center for Black Excellence and Culture, a vision of the Rev. Alex Gee to create a space for affirming, inspiring, and advancing Black excellence. It will promote health and wellness, leadership, art, youth, and families among Madison’s Black community.
Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Centering Sound
- Welcome
- Prelude: “Our Only Lark” by Blue Dot Sessions
- Call to Worship
- Opening Hymn: #346 “Come Sing a Song with Me”
- Lighting the Chalice
- Musical Response
- Time for All Ages: “I Am Enough” written by Grace Byers, pictures by Keturah A. Bobo
- Hymn: #1015 “I Know I Can”
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: from L.R. Knost
- Reflection: “A Reason to Cry: How Parenting Taught Me to Love My Inner Child” with Ali Muldrow
- Offering: “The Oxygen Song” by Wendy Luella Perkins
- Joys and Sorrows
- Closing Hymn: #131 “Love Will Guide Us”
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
- Postlude: “Get Up” by Mary Mary
Topics: Intention