During today’s multigenerational service, we will explore ways to be present together mindfully. We will have a few break out sessions for different means of coming home to ourselves in the present moment and offering the gift of presence to each other. [Recording includes a portion of the reflection and the reading of the cumulative poem.]
[Image by Susan Podebradsky]
The Share the Plate recipient for Dec. 22 and 29 is the Abundant Life Christian School Emergency Recovery Fund, administered through the United Way. In response to the devastating and fatal shooting at Abundant Life Christian School (ALCS) December 16th, United Way of Dane County has established the Abundant Life Christian School Emergency and Recovery Fund. All funds raised will go directly to ALCS to support those impacted by the tragic events.
Share the Plate – click here to donate
This week’s newsletter
Order of Service
- Gathering Song “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
- Welcome
- Prelude “The Gift of You” by Susan Podebradsky
- Call to Worship
- Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
- Centering in Beauty
- Shared Music “Ye Earthborn Children of a Star” #319 (gray hymnal) HOM, tune: Amazing Grace (#205)
- Time for All Ages “Peter and The Golden Thread” Written by Robin Sharma
- Shared Music “Filled With Lovingkindness” # 1031 (teal)
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions “Questions About Love” Poem by Susan Podebradsky
- Reflection Activities – Sanctuary (Meditation) and Youth Room (Mindful Activity)
- Offering “You Are Loved” by Susan Podebradsky
- Joys and Sorrows
- Shared Music “We Would Be One” #318 (gray hymnal)
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
- Postlude “Be Kind, Be Slow” by Susan Podebradsky
Links for Mindfulness Activities:
- Guided Yoga Meditation (5 minutes) 5-Minute Yoga/Meditation: Calm Your Anxiety
- Raisin Meditation (12 minutes) Raisin Meditation – Dave Potter
Cumulative Poem created during today’s service by those in attendance in person and on zoom:
Mindfully Together
When we are present together we are never alone.
We are never alone if we are present to ourselves.
We’re alone, but we’re not always alone.
Being present in the moment with another person is a gift to them
And to ourselves.
You are loved.
All are deserving of love.
We need each other and that’s okay.
Listening through the silence we hear each other clearly.
Feeling heard, we feel seen.
In disconnection I can feel the most alone among other people.
Our interconnectedness allows us to experience this life together.
Stay here. Stay now.
(Thanks everyone!)
Topics: Presence