Seeing the “light” enables us to have a vision of being our whole selves. It connects us to a source of power which sets a path for us to engage the world around us with a sense of hope and duty…

James Morgan is an organizer with MOSES – Madison Organizing in Strength, Equity, and Solidarity for Criminal Justice Reform, of which JRUUC is a member organization. Read more about James Morgan here. Read more about MOSES and JRUUC here.
Worship Associate – Eva Wingren
The Share the Plate for Sunday March 3rd and Sunday March 10th is The Wisconsin Unitarian Universalist State Action Network Inc (WUUSAN). WUUSAN envisions Unitarian Universalist congregations in Wisconsin in a collaborative relationship, sharing hopes and ambitions, embracing UU values, and working together to bring about the Beloved Community in the state of Wisconsin. Their mission, grounded in their UU faith, is to build and sustain a collaborative network where all voices are heard. Using inclusive democratic process, they will employ their resources to support those efforts that our congregations deem most critical to our state.
Share the Plate – click here to donate
This week’s newsletter
Order of Service
- Gathering Song “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
- Welcome
- Prelude “It’s In Every One of Us” by David Pomeranz
- Call to Worship
- Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
- Shared Music “As We Sing of Hope and Joy” #1060 (teal hymnal)
- Time for All Ages “The Night Dad Went to Jail” by Melissa Higgins
- Shared Music “This Little Light of Mine” #118 (gray hymnal)
- Reflection
- Offering “What Light” by Wilco
- Joys and Sorrows
- Shared Music “Fire of Commitment” #1028 (teal hymnal)
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
Topics: Transformation