Spring Cleaning – Inside and Out

This Sunday, we’ll explore interdependence and spring cleaning, inside and out! Every now and then it pays to examine what we have, what we have been doing, and where we are. Do the things and activities in our lives still serve us as we are now? Are there corners we haven’t looked at in a while that could be cleared out so something new can enter our lives? Can we appreciate and find the things we love the most? Can letting go of the visual reminders of the past (or past hopes) free up energy for new adventures? Could cleaning and caring for our physical environment be a form of love in action and a way of caring for ourselves, our relationships, and our Beloved Community?

We will have an abbreviated service, then spruce up our communal space with organizing and cleaning tasks for all ages and abilities.

The service will be followed by our monthly Potluck Community Meal. Please join us!

We also will be welcoming donations for the Rummage Sale coming up later this week.

Worship Associate – Liz Chapa, Photo by Susan P.

  • The share the plate partner for Sunday 4/28 and Sunday 5/5/ is Groundswell Conservancy. Since 1983 Groundswell Conservancy has permanently protected hundreds of special places where people can enjoy and explore the out-of-doors in south-central Wisconsin. They work with farm families to keep rich farm soils available for farming. They help elementary schools in Madison create green schoolyards where children can have fun in nature. They manage natural areas to care for wildlife and connect communities to the land.  They improve access and land tenure for farmers of color and New American farmers. Thanks to Julia Richards for nominating them.

Share the Plate – click here to donate

This week’s newsletter

  • Gathering Song  “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
  • Welcome
  • Prelude  “Blue Boat Home” by Peter Mayer
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Respons
  • Shared Music  “Lo, the Earth Awakes Again” #61 (gray hymnal)
  • Time for All Ages  “Respect and Take Care of Things” by Cheri J Meiners
  • Shared Music  “For the Weaving of Our Lives” by Amanda Udis-Kessler
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions “Recycling” by Thich Nhat Hanh and “Spring-cleaning Sonnet” by Sarah Connor
  • Reflection 
  • Offering  “All I Really Need” by Raffi
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music  “Find the Beauty” by Susan Podebradsky
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
