What can one person do? A lot! Join us as we work together to build the Beloved Community. At JRUUC, we are affiliated with or a part of many community efforts that further our mission and help us live out our values. You can contribute with short-term projects or tasks or as part of an on-going group. We hope you find something here that speaks to your desire to share your time and talent with the world.

Here are a few previous collaborations:

  • Safe Skies Clean Water Wisconsin – A grassroots coalition whose mission is to stop the basing of F-35A Joint Strike Fighter jets at Truax Air National Guard base in Madison and to force clean-up of existing contamination of the water supply emanating from the base
  • Community Action Coalition Farmers Market Food Collection – CAC organizes a Farmers Market Food Collection each Saturday. We do the collection 3 times/season. Check your weekly email to sign up for the next collection date.
  • WUUSAN – The Wisconsin UU State Action Network organizes justice efforts amongst all WI UU congregations.
  • UUA – this team organizes our congregation to respond to calls to action from the UUA’s Side With Love organizing campaign.

See our “How Can I Help?” page for current opportunities to help our Reeb community

Healing House Wish List 

Just Dane’s Healing House is a safe place for families experiencing homelessness to go when a member of the family needs to prepare for a medical procedure, or to recuperate after childbirth or hospitalization.

Guests at Healing House often come there with the bare minimum. Please help us provide some items to make them feel comfortable. The Program Coordinator has developed a wish list of items they need.

View the wish list here

Please sign-up to donate and drop off the smaller items at the Healing House: 303 Lathrop St., Madison, WI 53726 [Added 10/4/23]

Service Opportunity with Prairie UU at River Food Pantry

Does this sound like a project you’d like to get involved in?  On the first Saturday of each month, several Reeb volunteers will join Prairie UU volunteers in putting together lunches for the River Food Pantry.  Lunches will be taken to drop-off sites where food insecure folks can get a healthy bite to eat.  We work together from 8:30 – 10:30 am at the River Food Pantry, and they have the plan all set up for the volunteers.  It’s easy, it can be fun, folks are friendly and the work is rewarding. If we get enough volunteers, it means helping out just 4-6 times a year.

Put your name on the volunteer list by contacting Peggy Haack.

For those new to our congregation, from 2008 until the pandemic of 2020, Reeb volunteers joined with Prairie volunteers to cook a hot breakfast once a month on a Saturday morning at the downtown Men’s Shelter.  They now have a new site and a new meal plan, so this is a new way to continue working together in service to our community.

Just Bakery Returns to JRUUC!

Get your goodies after Sunday Services in the foyer and support a just cause. Both cash and cards are happily accepted. Just Bakery, an initiative of JustDane, is a 12 week educational and vocational training program. The program works with individuals who are experiencing significant barriers to employment (homelessness, justice involved, lack of education, and/or a lack of work history or skills). Learn more about Just Bakery here.

Watch this space for the next date – Probably December 17th.