Speaker: Rev. Karen Armina

The Power of Story

Laura Hershey wrote “…Those with power can afford to tell their story or not.  Those without power risk everything to tell their story and must.  Someone, somewhere will hear your story and decide to fight, to live and refuse compromise.”  This Sunday, as we honor … read more.

From the Stories of Our Living

This first Sunday of the New Year, we gather in community to reflect on our stories – those we wish to begin, and those we wish to change.  This is our annual burning bowl service, in which we seal our intentions in the ritual of … read more.

Holy Presence

Many of the Winter Holy Days encourage us to notice the presence of the sacred in everyday life: sunlight, abundance, incarnation, community.  This morning, we’ll explore the possibility that the Holy is always present, woven into all moments and all things.

Image from creazilla.com

… read more.

Heart Wide Open

Parker Palmer once wrote, “The human soul doesn’t want to be advised or fixed or saved. It simply wants to be witnessed — to be seen, heard and companioned exactly as it is.”  To witness a human soul is to keep one’s own heart open … read more.

Blue Holiday Service

Please note: this service is on Wednesday at 5:30pm.

The winter holidays are usually framed around peace and joy and hope, and if you’re not feeling those themes right now, you’re not alone.  You’re invited to this evening service, where we’ll share and ritualize the … read more.

To Love and To All Friends

Now more than ever, we need each other.  This morning, we’ll explore the practice of presence as a resource for building and sustaining community, and we’ll welcome our new members in a joining ceremony.  Everyone is encouraged to greet and congratulate our new members while … read more.

The Repairing Practice of Witness

Transgender Day of Remembrance Service. A Business Resolution passed by the delegates at the 2024 General Assembly proclaims that “our principles and values unequivocally commit our faith to honor and celebrate the full spectrum of gender identity and expression…  The ability to live ever-more authentically … read more.

Ancestral Love and Repair

As we begin the month in which we reflect on “living love through the practice of repair,” we also find ourselves at the close of the days in which people of several religious traditions honor their ancestors.  And we anticipate our national election day.  So … read more.

Listening Each Other’s Thoughts into Being

As Unitarian Universalists, we find wisdom and inspiration in many places, and sharing our responses to poetry combines two of them.  This morning, we’ll try out a UU take on Lectio Divina, a deep listening practice developed by our Christian siblings, which translates to “divine … read more.