Topic: Expectation

The path of hopeful expectation.
In what do I trust?

Let It Be Enough

We spend so much time chasing expectations, those of others and those we place on ourselves.  It becomes such a way of life that we don’t notice we are doing it or what it is doing to us.  This morning, we’ll stop … read more.

What Did You Expect?

A flyer for local events in solidarity with this week’s Global Climate Strike reads “The world’s youth are calling for a turning point.  It might not be too late.”  This morning, we’ll reflect on human-caused climate change and the possibilities of adaptation … read more.

Drenched In Life

As we come together in multigenerational community for our annual in-gathering and water communion service, we’ll reflect on thirst and saturation.  Please bring a small vial of water that holds meaning for you, to pour into our communal bowl.