Topic: Monthly Themes


Many people believe it’s time to shift our strategies in the face of climate change, from prevention to compassionate, clear-eyed, vibrant, intentional adaptation.  On this Earth Day, we’ll explore some of the lessons in resistance we see in nature, and we’ll ritualize our grief and … read more.

Saying Yes and Saying No

As UUs, we are a justice centered people. Our faith calls us to work toward creating the beloved community here and now, but that can feel overwhelming in face of all the injustices of our current world. In order to stay in this work for … read more.

The Paths of Resistance

What do napping, mindfulness, compassion, community-building, and speaking our truths have in common?  This month, as we begin to journey the path of resistance, we’ll explore some of the many forms that path might take.

Share the Plate

The Share-the-Plate recipient for April 2 and 9 … read more.


Ruth Conniff draws on her 2022 nonfiction book about the deep connection between two groups of people often pitted against each other in our hyperpartisan politics: Midwestern dairy farmers, many of whom voted for Donald Trump, and the undocumented immigrant workers they rely on to … read more.

All Kinds of Vulnerable

This month’s theme is challenging on many levels, because there are many ways we are vulnerable.  For some, it’s about taking the risk to open our hearts to new possibilities; for others, it’s about choosing and enforcing boundaries for safety; for still others, it’s simply … read more.