Topic: Monthly Themes

On Ministry and Mystery

There are mysteries that are simply part of life, ever present as part of the relationships with ourselves and each other as we stay, leave, and return.  This morning, as we prepare for Rev. Karen’s sabbatical time, we’ll explore how we might remain curious in … read more.

Not Knowing, But Wondering

Mystery stories are a top genre at the bookstore and the library. We love them, as long as they aren’t our stories. For ourselves, in our own lives, we often want to know what’s coming and know we are prepared for it. This week, we … read more.

Waiting on a Mystery

For Christians, this is the first Sunday of Advent, the season of waiting and preparation for the birth of their Savior.  It is a time of deep hope, and it begins with the story/mystery of a woman being told by an angel that she would … read more.

Gratitude, Generosity…and Unlearning Colonization

Thanksgiving weekend is complicated.  This morning, we’ll explore how we might acknowledge the mourning of our indigenous siblings and challenge the myths that have been created and perpetuated by the colonizers of this land, while still practicing the generosity that’s come to be associated with … read more.

The Connectedness Generosity Provides

Today’s reflection explores what we get out of being generous and how we are connected because of it. It helps to create perspective around 2 Corinthians 9:11-13, which says, “You will be enriched in every way for all generosity, which produces thanksgiving to God through … read more.

Longing to Give

Our theme for November is “the gift of generosity,” which implies that generosity isn’t just about giving but also about what we receive when we engage in giving.  This morning, we’ll explore the transformative nature of generosity and the human desire to give.

Our Sacred Breath … read more.

Before We Play

Games and Religion.  Spirituality and Play.  They have more in common than you might think.  Our ancestors often saw them as one and the same… and took them quite seriously.  Which is why, they knew, the most important agreements are made… before we play.

Rev. Craig … read more.

Roots and Wings

We are both descendants and ancestors, and our lives are the point of connection between the stories of our heritage and what the next generations will carry forward.  This morning, we’ll explore what we keep and what we pass on. Photo of Oak Alley Plantation … read more.