Topic: Mystery

On Ministry and Mystery

There are mysteries that are simply part of life, ever present as part of the relationships with ourselves and each other as we stay, leave, and return.  This morning, as we prepare for Rev. Karen’s sabbatical time, we’ll explore how we might remain curious in … read more.

Not Knowing, But Wondering

Mystery stories are a top genre at the bookstore and the library. We love them, as long as they aren’t our stories. For ourselves, in our own lives, we often want to know what’s coming and know we are prepared for it. This week, we … read more.

Waiting on a Mystery

For Christians, this is the first Sunday of Advent, the season of waiting and preparation for the birth of their Savior.  It is a time of deep hope, and it begins with the story/mystery of a woman being told by an angel that she would … read more.