Topic: Pluralism

Waging Peace

Our guest speaker today will be John Fournelle from Veterans for Peace. Together we’ll explore some of the ways we can contribute to present and future peace in a pluralistic society.

Worship Associates: Susan Podebradsky, Rachel Avery and Liz Chapa

The Share the Plate for … read more.

Many Ways to Grieve

There is much that is hard in these times- in our own lives and in the spaces between and around us.  Grieving can be vital to moving forward into life after loss or change, and there is much to learn from each other and our … read more.

So Many Paths!

One of the gifts of pluralism is our ability to celebrate and share what we find on our individual journeys.  On Rev. Karen’s first Sunday back after her sabbatical leave, we’ll explore what she, and we, have learned- and celebrate our reunion!

Instead of our … read more.