10/12/22 – Reeb News Summary

This Sunday 10/16/22 –

  • Courage: A Catalyst for Change with Aissa Olivarez, Managing Attorney at the Community Immigration Law Center (CILC) in Madison – The courage of asylum seekers to seek refuge in the United States meets the courage of allies to welcome them in our local Madison community.  
  • Children & Youth: There will be no Mighty Meals this month because of the Reeb campout at Lake Farm Park It will begin in November. Children and youth are invited to sit at the Busy Hands table during the service.

Donate to Share the PlateThe Community Immigration Law Center strives to ensure dignity and access to justice for people, especially those facing deportation, by providing legal representation and consultations, as well as support and education regarding immigration issues for the community at large.

Sign up here to receive our Weekly E-news in your inbox.

Small Group Ministry – descriptions of groups – see your weekly newsletter for Zoom links

  • Wednesday – Meditation Group 6:30-7 on zoom
  • Thursday – Sacred Breath Choir 7:00 in person with virtual option – meets at FUS this week
  • Sunday – Octavia’s Parables Discussion Group 6-7 (on zoom) will not meet this week, and will begin to meet at a new time next Sunday, October 23 at 1:00-2:00 pm
  • Monday – Journaling Group (every other Monday, 7-8 on zoom or in person. Next meeting: October 24th (see weekly email for link)

Coming Up…

Share your Ordinary Courage: Help create next Sunday’s service reflection! The service for next Sunday, October 23, is about the everyday courage of living our lives authentically.  You can read more about what that might mean here.  You’re invited to participate in the making of the reflection!  Rev. Karen will share your pictures and reflections during this service. Here’s how to join in:

  • Orient yourself toward noticing things in your life that take ordinary courage.
  • When you see or do something that takes ordinary courage, take a picture!
  • Send that picture to Rev. Karen by the end of Thursday, October 20
  • Optional: Write a very brief (less than 100 words) reflection of why you took the picture

Saturday October 15 – Last Reeb CAC Collection Saturday 10/15, 11:45-1:15pm – We collect leftover food from vendors at the Dane County Farmers Market. We still need at least 2 more volunteers. It is FUN! All ages welcome. See your weekly email for link to signup sheet with more details. 

Saturday-Sunday, October 15-16 – Campout at Lake Farm Park!  Come for Saturday afternoon, stay for the campfire, stay all night… you choose. Click for more details.

October 15th Join UU the Vote and the Wisconsin UU State Action Network as we hear from partners on the ground about the amazing work happening in Wisconsin and why it’s important to talk to voters. We will be joined by special guests including UUA President Susan Frederick Gray! You’re not going to want to miss this!  See event details here.

Throughout October Help your fellow Reebers ‘Get Out the Vote’ by addressing and sending postcards from UU the VOTE to WI residents.  Postcards, addresses, stamps and directions will be provided!  Find them in the Foyer most Sundays in October or contact Megan Barry-Luglio for delivery/pickup/questions.  We have 400 postcards to get in the mail by the end of the month!

Saturday, November 5 10:00-2:30 – Exploring Membership Class at JRUUC, including lunch.  If you’re thinking about joining our congregation or simply want to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, the history of James Reeb, and what it means to be a member here, please join Rev. Karen and representatives of the Membership Team for this one-day, in-person event! Registration is required, so contact Mary Wagner or Rev. Karen to sign up or fill out the form on this page. Registration deadline is November 1.

Nov. 12th – Reeb Rave – “Garden of Delights” Party, Dinner, Auction, Fundraiser, Community BuilderWe are ready to receive your donations, expertise, time & ideas! We encourage you to offer items and experiences that help us build connection and community – gatherings, excursions, homemade food and goods, artwork, services, lending, lessons etc. Every year we learn a little more about each other through these exchanges and build more Beloved Community. Other donations are also very welcome! If you aren’t using it anymore, it might become a treasure for someone else. That’s another form of connection too. Feel free to include a little background on items you offer. Examples from previous years are on the auction page. Join us!

Click to donate to the auction or learn more.

Click here to see the auction catalog and sign up to bid.

Minister’s Availability – Rev. Karen will be away for a ministers’ retreat and study leave this week, and will not hold office hours on October 14.  Regular office hours will resume the week of October 17.

Events Calendar (click for complete calendar)

Groundskeeping Sign-up

Social Justice Update – click for details

  • Collecting items at Reeb for those experiencing homelessness
  • 8th Principle and Reeb
  • UU the Vote – Get Out the Vote postcards available for Wisconsin voters – Local action and WUUSAN
  • JRUUC Works for Justice! – Signup for emails and zoom links – next meeting is October 18th

Music and Choir Update – click for details

  • Regular rehearsals began September 8th, Thursdays at 7 – new folks are welcome, email Heather if it is your first time coming
  • This week’s choir practice will be combined with FUS, at FUS
  • Next week – special service with combined FUS & Reeb choirs at Reeb with “Sing Gently” and “Dream Keeper”

Religious Education and Family Ministry Update – click for details

Membership Gatherings – click for details

Job Opening: Director of Religious Education

You’ve heard by now that Mandy will be leaving us, and so we’re launching a search for a new DRE.  Check out the job description and please share it with anyone you think is qualified and interested!  Per Board policy, JRUUC members are not eligible to apply for this position.  Applicants should send their resume with a cover letter to Rev. Karen. Hire date for DRE is October 24, 2022.

Job Opening for Temporary Position: Interim Religious Education Coordinator

We don’t expect to fill the DRE position in time for a direct transition from Mandy to a new hire, so we’re looking for someone to coordinate the program with Rev. Karen and our volunteers in the interim.  Our personnel policy says that “employment with the church is not open to members of the congregation except in rare and unusual circumstances,” and our Board considers this one of those circumstances, so this temporary position, which will end no later than December 31, is open to all.  Here’s the job description.  Please share with your networks, and contact Rev. Karen if you’d like to apply.  Applicants should send their resume with a cover letter to Rev. Karen.  Hire date for Interim REC is October 17, and end date is two weeks after DRE position is filled or December 31, 2022, whichever comes first. 


Our October Theme: The Path of Courage

Our October theme invites us to recognize and celebrate the many acts of courage it takes to live as our full selves. In this space you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.

Check-in question: What is the greatest act of courage that you directly witnessed? And how did it change you?

White supremacy culture’s number one strategy is to make us afraid. When we are afraid, we lose touch with our power and are more easily manipulated by any promise of safety, even as we come to slowly learn that safety dependent on violence is not safe at all.

Tema Okun

Rev. Karen’s Musing for this week – Reconnection

NOTE: Deadline for Announcements is Tuesday at 10 p.m. Submit announcements for the website any time. Please send your announcement to office@jruuc.org and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email.

What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism – Click Here for More About…

  • 8th Principle Work
  • UU the Vote
  • Side With Love – social action
  • UUA News

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