10 AM Services to Continue Through December

Last month, Worship Team leaders Virginia Harrison (current co-chair) and Sarah Cook (former chair) met to plan the worship calendar for the fall, with guidance and input from Rev. Marlene Walker, our interim minister. The decision to stay with one 10 AM service through the end of the year was one result of that meeting. The current resources of the congregation, the short timeline for planning, and the unique aspects of both the former 9 AM and 11 AM services were taken into consideration; as was the sensitivity of making a change on behalf of the entire community. The staff of the congregation supports the decision. I am confident that it was a thoughtful and thorough discussion, based on my respect for and trust in the people involved.
I understand how challenging changes in routine can be, especially in a place we call our sanctuary. As we prepare to hire a settled minister, the next two years of interim ministry will be a time of healing, strengthening, and re-inventing ourselves as a congregation. In the coming months, we will be taking part in many activities and discussions designed to prepare us to embrace and celebrate our past, present and future. Everyone in our beloved community will be invited to participate, and I’m sure our visions of vibrant and nurturing worship services will be part of those discussions. 

Faithfully yours,
Heike Saynisch, Board President