This Sunday 11/13/22 –
- “Bend or Break?” with Rev. Karen Armina – Many stories tell us how, when the winds of change blow, it’s better to be like the supple willow than the unmoving oak. This morning, we’ll explore the relationship between flexibility and change, and how we might move with the times.
- Children & Youth: “Youth in Session” – Young people will be in service until after the Time For All Ages. Then, Jocie and Elliott will escort them into a learning space to focus on the month’s theme with activites and discussion. There will be no busy hands table.
- Donate to The Share the Plate recipient for Sunday 11/13/2022 and 11/20/2022 is the Goodman Community Center Thanksgiving Basket Drive. For decades the Goodman Community Center has been providing families with everything they need to make a traditional Thanksgiving meal at home. We started by serving several hundred families and today thousands of people are thankful for this gift.
Sign up here to receive our Weekly E-news in your inbox.
Nov. 12th – Reeb Rave – “Garden of Delights” Party, Dinner, Auction, Fundraiser, Community Builder –

- In person at Reeb at 5:30-8:30, and on Zoom at 6:00-8:30 NOTE THE TIME CHANGE
- Online Bidding has started and ends at 8:00 pm on Nov 12
- Items are being added to our auction site as they come in!
- Online participation is free and entertainment will be streamed – Check email for zoom link or this website on Saturday.
- Suggested donation for the in person event – $10 per person or $25 for a family and includes dinner and live entertainment
- We need your donations to make this fun and successful! We are at 60% of our donation goal so please get your donations in by this Friday.
- Donations can be dropped off at Reeb Friday Nov 11, 4-7 or Saturday Nov 12, 10-2
- We also need help with decorating, Friday Nov 11 and Saturday morning Nov 12. Contact Kelly Kearns.
- Contact Tom McClintock if you have questions, ideas, or would like to help with the event
Click to donate to the auction or learn more.
Click here to see the auction catalog, register as a bidder, and register for the meal
MOSES Orientation November 12th
The MOSES Engagement Team invites you to an orientation for new members and those interested in learning about MOSES (Criminal Justice Reform). James Reeb was one of 10 original member churches. The orientation will be held on Zoom Saturday November 12, 10-11:30 am. A variety of presenters will speak on topics such as the mission and values of MOSES, the beginning history, our connections to our state and national networks, ways to get involved as well as our successes and the impact we have had. You will have a chance to meet MOSES members through two breakout sessions. Contact Joan Kemble for registration details.
Covid Task Force Wants Your Feedback
The Covid Task Force (CTF) is still meeting monthly to discuss JRUUC Covid-19 protocols. The current members of this task force are: Jocie Luglio, Mary Pitassi, Eric Gunn, with board representation from Deb Myrbo and support from Rev. Karen. We are currently operating under CTF’s strategic plan version 4 which was approved by the Board of Trustees on 9/3/2022. The task force would appreciate ongoing feedback about our operations as it pertains to covid.
What do you appreciate about the current plan?
What would you like to see change in the next version?
What questions do you have?
Please feel free to reach out to anyone on the CTF individually via email or phone, or join our meetings on the 4th Tuesday of every month via zoom between 6:15-7pm, just ask a CTF member for the link. Stay Safe everyone! – Jocie Luglio
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2022
This interfaith event will be held at Temple Beth El (2702 Arbor Dr) on Sunday, November 20, starting with a tabling hour at 6:00 pm and a vigil and service at 7:00-8:00 pm. The Outreach Committee for this annual event invites you to be a partner and sponsor with us as we gather together across traditions in solidarity with our trans siblings who were before us and are with us now…READ MORE HERE
Looking For People To Be Buddies With New Members
We would like to match new members each with an existing member. The ‘buddies’ would act as a contact person and personal connection for the new members. The buddy would be expected to reach out to their new buddy on a regular basis, perhaps monthly at first. If you are interested in being a buddy, please contact Kelly Kearns
JRUUC Is Hiring!
We’re accepting applications for these part-time positions. Please share with your networks!
- Temporary Office Assistant
- Interim Religious Education Coordinator
- Director of Religious Education
- Office Administrator
- Cleaner
Click here for job descriptions and to learn more…
Share Your Feedback on the New Draft of UUA Bylaws Article II (Revisioning the Purposes and Principles)
In the UUA – The Article II Study Commission is excited to share a full draft of Article II for feedback. The Study Commission’s outreach team will be hosting Zoom feedback sessions beginning this weekend, along with gathering feedback through an online Google form for individual comments. Click here to read about the process and to register for Zoom feedback sessions. READ MORE HERE
Office Administrator Transition – Rev. Karen will be monitoring our email until we have a new administrator in place. Please continue to send anything you would send an administrator there.
Small Group Ministry – See your weekly newsletter for Zoom links
- Wednesday – Meditation Group 6:30-7 on zoom
- Thursday – Sacred Breath Choir 7:00 in person with virtual option
- Sunday – Octavia’s Parables Discussion Group 1-2 (on zoom) new time starts this week
- Monday – Journaling Group – every other Monday, 7-8 on zoom or in person. Next meeting is 11/21
Click here for group descriptions
Minister’s Availability
Events Calendar (click for complete calendar)
Snow Lottery (Removal) Sign-up
Social Justice Update – click for details
- UU the Vote – Local action and WUUSAN
- MOSES (Criminal Justice Reform) Orientation 11/12/22
- JRUUC Works for Justice! – Signup for emails and zoom links – next meeting is in November
Music and Choir Update – click for details
- This week – Special live harp music and shared music – “Loosen, Loosen” – click the link above for more previews
- Regular Sacred Breath choir rehearsals are Thursdays at 7 – new folks are welcome, email Heather if it is your first time coming
Religious Education and Family Ministry Update – click for details and our monthly schedule
There are several RE and family ministry related tasks that could use your energy as we transition to a new DRE. Please email Rev. Karen if you’re interested in helping with any of these:
- Helping to plan and co-lead our Coming of Age program with Elliott
- Leading the class for our younger children after worship on the first Sundays
- Sitting at the table in the Busy Hands Corner during worship
- Offering the Time for All Ages during worship
Thank you!
Membership Gatherings – click for details
Our November theme invites us to be intentional and aware of all the ways change happens within, between, and around us. In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week. |
Our November Theme: The Path of Change |
Check-in question: Sure, “they” need to change. But how might you changing something about yourself enable that? That broken thing you keep trying to put back together is keeping your life from that beautiful thing that is waiting to be built. — Trent Shelton |
NOTE: Deadline for Announcements is Tuesday at 10 p.m. Submit announcements for the website any time. Please send your announcement to and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email.
What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism – Click Here for More About…
- 8th Principle Work – Draft is ready!
- UU the Vote
- Side With Love – social action
- UUA News