Author: jruuc_admin

April East Breeze newsletter

Here is the April issue of our East Breeze newsletter, with more details about our upcoming worship services and other opportunities.
First Unitarian, our sister congregation, is having a couple of special workshops.

Celebration Sunday

In early March, we kicked-off our annual stewardship campaign with food, theater games, music, and collaborative art.
Our Stronger Together theme is symbolized with decorated sticks that cannot be broken when together.

The annual stewardship campaign is an opportunity to consider our dreams for our … read more.

Chalk Mural on the side of JRUUC!

The Emerson East Neighborhood Association (EENA) arts task force is encouraging people of all ages to sketch out visions of a sustainable neighborhood and submit ideas. The goal is to create a collaborative mural with the theme “a sustainable neighborhood" on the Fourth Street side … read more.

Stronger Together Stewardship Kick-off

At 10 a.m. on Sun. March 4th we'll be having a single worship service followed by a congregational brunch.

You’re invited to bring…
a) 1 serving of fruit for a collaborative fruit salad
b) 1-2 dreams/wishes for the JRUUC community
c) the pledge card you may … read more.

UUA General Assembly 2012 June 20-24, Phoenix, Arizona

General Assembly (GA) 2012 is first and foremost a religious gathering. Our passion for justice is founded on spiritual and religious principles that call us to gather for public witness and social action. We will gather to broaden and deepen our understanding of justice and to bring that understanding home to our congregations, so that we might grow in spirit as well as serve.