Author: Susan Podebradsky

Special Holiday Services

Upcoming Special Holiday Services: Lots of special gatherings coming up this month! Please check next week’s email for Zoom links

Festival of Lights, Sunday, December 20 at 10:00 am – This service is a collaboration between the youth in several UU congregations throughout the US.  These young … read more.

Past Service Recordings and Questions

Did you miss a recent service? Would you like to listen to a reflection (sermon) a second time? Recordings are available for many (but not all) recent services on this website in the service archive. Recordings for older services are also available if you are … read more.

Share The Plate – 11/29/20 & 12/6/20 – Just Dane

Just Dane’s Mentoring Connections Program

Formerly Madison Urban Ministry, Just Dane is collecting toys and gift cards for the children of people who are incarcerated. Your donations will be used to purchase gifts and gift cards for the children and youth. 

Learn more here

Reeb Rave Success

Thanks to all the volunteer help, donors, bidders and performers, Reeb Rave was a success, and FUN! – lots of folks participated from the comfort and safety of their own homes. The live and recorded entertainment and discussion really made it feel like a house party. 

We raised … read more.

Election Love And Community

Are you on our mailing list? Hope so! Check your email today about special zoom gatherings and opportunities for further connection to our wider community seeking justice.

Here’s a snippet of the loving message offered by Rev. Karen:

Oh Holy Spirit of Life and Love, that … read more.