Author: Susan Podebradsky

Share The Plate – 9/20/2020 & 9/27/2020

Our Share The Plate recipient this week is UU the Vote Campaign. With deadlines and polling locations shifting by the day, alongside massive voter suppression tactics from missing ballots and divestment from the postal service, we need all hands on deck to ensure every eligible voter has … read more.

Thinking of Becoming a Member?

Exploring Membership Class to go virtual this fall!

If you are new to James Reeb or a friend who is considering joining as a member, we invite you to participate in this two-part class (no one can stay on zoom for our typical 4-hour gathering!). 

In part … read more.

Covenant Groups

Covenant Groups are part of the Adult Religious Exploration Program at JRUUC. Groups are randomly created at the start of each church year, based on the availability of people interested, and they meet monthly via Zoom. 

They are closed groups, for confidentiality and community-building, and are … read more.

A Hymnal To Hold

A Hymnal To Hold: a new JRUUC lending program

Would you like to borrow a JRUUC hymnal for your home?  Not only would you have a tangible reminder of our community, but you’d have another resource for your own spiritual practices.  Please complete the request … read more.

Preparing For September 13th Service

Ingathering: Droplets Gathered and Reaching

Most years, this service includes a water communion, where each of us brings water representing something meaningful to them, and we blend those waters into a common bowl.  This year’s service will be a little different, and Rev. Karen invites you … read more.

New Guidelines for Outdoor Small Group Gatherings

Dear members and friends,

As we navigate the COVID-19 pandemic together, we know many of you are eager to explore ways to connect more deeply with each other. When local public health conditions allow, JRUUC will support small, in-person outdoor gatherings.

To facilitate these gatherings, the task … read more.