E-News Summary 9/29/21

Our Justice Survey is still open!

Forty-four of you have responded so far! Over two thirds of respondents identified “Racial Justice and Dismantling White Supremacy” as a top interest.  Poverty, homelessness, and hunger ranked second at about sixty percent, with a number of other social concerns garnering smaller vote totals. The survey will guide the priorities of the Justice Leadership Team and the educational and spiritual activities of the congregation over the next year or two, so your opinions are important!

The Justice Leadership Team will leave the survey open, asking for your views on JRUUC’s justice work, for a little longer.  If you haven’t responded yet, please consider doing so in the next week. Here is the link:

JRUUC Justice Survey

A Change to How We Share Joys and Sorrows – The Worship Team works hard to make sure we include all the joys and sorrows we receive in every service, and the process for doing that is somewhat difficult.  So we’re asking you to help us change how we participate in this important and relational worship element, to make it easier for us to manage.  Please share your joy or sorrow in one of two ways:

  • Email it to candle@jruuc.org any time before Sunday morning
  • Type it into the chat on Sunday morning during Joys and Sorrows– not before, as you’re used to

For the next few weeks, we’ll continue to check the email and the chat throughout the service on Sunday mornings, the way we have been, to give everyone a chance to get used to the new method.

Did you miss something in the weekly newsletter?

Reminder: many email applications clip long emails- be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom of the weekly email and check for a tiny link that says something like “message clipped, click to see full email”

Calling all dogs, their humans, and others who enjoy them: come to Warner Dog Park this Saturday at noon!

Catherine Armina-Quinlan will host an in-person and in-dog gathering.  There are some tables, but bring a chair if you can.  Bring a lunch and beverage if you’d like, and we’ll wear our masks to start with.  You don’t have to own a dog to come – just come and share the joy our pups are so good at spreading!  Contact Catherine or Rev. Karen if you’d like to attend virtually.

Minister’s Availability – (click for details including Tuesday on zoom and Friday at Olbrich)
Rev. Karen is holding in-person and virtual office hours while our building is closed. Both are drop-in, and open to as many participants as show up at once. Please reach out to Karen via email, phone, or text if you’d like to connect individually – she’s happy to set up a time to meet with you! And, as always, please call or text her if you have a pastoral emergency. Please note that Karen doesn’t check email on Mondays (her rest day) and Thursdays (her writing/study day) and will reply to your non-emergency messages the following day. Karen will attend a ministers’ gathering on Wednesday 10/6 and Thursday 10/7; she’ll be available via email and text but her response time will be slower than usual.

Small Group Ministries – Journaling, Meditation, Octavia’s Parables, Covenant Groups Now Forming

Reeb Rave 2021 is Happening! – Nov 13th – Donation forms now available.

We have picked a date for our annual fundraising auction and party “Reeb Rave 2021” – Nov 13th with live Zoom socializing 6-8pm!  

This event has become one of the most important fundraisers for our congregation over the years, and one of the most fun socializing events. Because of COVID-19, we are doing the auction bidding and entertainment online in Zoom like we did last year. But we are planning on providing some in-person, safe opportunities to socialize or share depending on the COVID-19 levels in Dane Co.  

We are soliciting suggestions for a theme and seeking volunteers to help with the event, including providing entertainment. Last year we had some wonderful singing, music, stories and poetry.      

Items and services can be donated to our auction using this online donation form.

Donations can include all kinds of things like household and sports items, tools, art, dinner parties, vacation stays in cabins, help with yard work or snow removal, outdoor excursions, pet-sitting etc. Links to last years catalog will be posted on our website and in an upcoming newsletter. Help with delivering items to winning bidders can be provided by volunteers if necessary.  

If you have any ideas or suggestions please contact Tom McClintock at tom.mcclintock@wisc.edu.   

Stay tuned and thank you.  

Tom McClintock – Chair Reeb Rave

Justice CALL TO ACTION- Click for details of the events listed below
The Justice Leadership Team encourages members to work for justice in our community and country. Here are actions you can take this week.

October 1, 2021 – First Friday Film- Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath
October 2, 2021, 1:00-3:00PM – Bans Off Our Bodies WI
Oct. 3, 6:30pm Immigration Webinar

Our October theme: “Cultivating Relationship”

This month’s theme invites us to consider the many kinds of relationships we create and nurture, and explore the practices we share to do so.  In this space, you’ll find a new invitation into reflection on our monthly theme every week.

Check-in question:  What was the most nourishing new relationship you cultivated during the pandemic time? Was it with an unexpected person? A new habit? A new part of yourself? And what’s your plan to intentionally nourish that relationship moving forward?

Building community is to the collective as spiritual practice is to the individual.

— Grace Lee Boggs

Reeb and Covid-19 – JRUUC remains at Level 4 of our Covid-19 Strategic Plan. All activities are online or outdoors with opportunities to participate virtually.

What’s Happening in Unitarian Universalism

What’s Happening in our Community – COVID resources