RSVP for In-Person Service
Sunday Service RSVP on EventBrite – Click to register
Registration opens at noon one week before each Sunday service.

Welcome – the EventBrite Registration link goes live a week before each Sunday service and stays open until 9:30 am on the day of the service. Click the link above or go to and search for JRUUC.
Registration ahead of time helps us in three ways:
- It eases congestion at the doorway, since all you have to do when you arrive is check off your name.
- It provides a contact list in case there is a later need for COVID contact tracing.
- It helps us stay within our COVID plan room capacity. (See our COVID page for current level.)
We hope to see you soon!
Please review the guidelines below if this is your first time attending in person.
Sunday Service RSVP on EventBrite – Click to register
What to Expect With In-Person Service
Please arrive before 10:00 so you have time to check in and find a seat before the service starts. You’ll be asked to stay masked and distanced throughout the service, in accordance with our COVID-19 Strategic Plan guidelines. You may move chairs so members of your household can sit together, but please maintain socially distanced seating otherwise. You’ll be offered stickers at the door, with different colors indicating your level of comfort in interpersonal interactions:
Green = “I welcome you to be within 6 feet of me, and ask for a hug or other contact”
Yellow = “I welcome you to be within 6 feet of me, but please don’t touch”
Red = “Please maintain 6 feet or more of physical distance between us”
Usually, the Worship Leader and Worship Associate will lead the service in person. There may also be musicians and someone presenting the Time for All Ages. Some elements of the service may be offered through Zoom only, and there will be a large monitor in the sanctuary so you can see those elements.
Lyrics will be broadcast on the screen in the sanctuary and on zoom. Hymnals are also available as you enter the sanctuary for you to take to your seat if you prefer.
We’ll take a live offering with a real basket! And as always, you can donate via our website at any time. The link will be up on the monitor during the offering. To make a donation to be split with this week’s Share the Plate recipient click here or here to make a donation to JRUUC.
Joys and Sorrows will be offered in the multiplatform setting. You’ll be invited to fill out a card with your name and what you’d like to share, and we will light a candle and read your words as we do so for the folx submitting their words via the Zoom chat.
There will be a printed order of service, and you can access it on this week’s service webpage on Sunday.
We will have an online coffee hour, as well as a live coffee hour. People can unmask within the sanctuary to eat or drink.
Important: please don’t open Zoom if you’re in the sanctuary.
We want to know how you experience this service! Please share your feedback with Rev. Karen or any member of the Worship Team, whether you attend in person or via Zoom.
We ask you to RSVP to help make sure we don’t exceed capacity, and to provide a list of attendees in case contact tracing becomes necessary. The link will also be sent in an email each week. You can join our email list by emailing our office ( or by filling out this contact form.
Sunday Service RSVP on EventBrite – Click to register