Many different cultures throughout the world celebrate the Summer Solstice, the day of longest light and highest sun, with gathering and music. Join us for a service celebrating the gifts of the sun, and summer!
We will have live music today from Heike Saynisch and Marla McFadden.
<No recording for this service>
Share the Plate
The share-the-plate for June 11-18 will be POWERS (Pregnancy Options Wisconsin: Education, Resources, and Support, Inc.). They are a diverse group of volunteer doctors, doulas, midwives, educators, and activists who trust and empower pregnant people to make informed, supported decisions. Donations support their call line, newsletters, and extensive website of resources.
Order of Service
- Centering Sound
- Welcome
- Prelude: “Song of Summer Solstice” Joanna Jinton
- Call to Worship/Lighting of the Chalice
- Musical Response
- Opening Hymn: #387 “Gathered Here”
- Time for All Ages: “Maui Slows the Sun,” written by Gabriel Ahuli’i, Illustrated by Jing Jong Tsong
- Hymn: #301, Touch the Earth, Reach the Sky”
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Summer Sabbath,” Rev. Kathleen McTigue
- Reflection: “Celebrating the Sun” – “The Hidden Heart of the Cosmos” by Brain Swimme, Celebration of the Gifts – Congregation
- Offering: “Round and Round” author unknown (live)
- Joys and Sorrows
- Closing Hymn: #387 “The Earth, the Air, the Fire, the Water, Return”
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
A portion of the list of “Gifts of the Sun” created by participants in this Sunday’s service:
- peonies
- all the flowers at Olbrich
- my garden
- trees that give us air
- vitamin D
- vegetables
- raising my spirits with lots of time outdoors
- stand-up paddle-boarding on a small lake
- my own energy, made possible by the sun
- the scent of pine
- seeing neighbors as we come out of our homes
Topics: Celebrating Blessings