Coming of Age Service

Coming of Age is a program for high school aged youth which is our faith’s way of allowing youth to explore what it means to be Unitarian Universalists and live out of fourth principle by aiding them in a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. The youth you will hear from today have spent the last nine months in discussion with myself, their adult mentors, and each other to investigate what it is they believe and what is important to them. Now they have reached the end of that journey and will embark on a new one as they grow into competent, intelligent, and compassionate young adults. This service will follow a unique format, with each youth presenting their credos or personal belief statements to the congregation with music selected by them.  

  • The Share the Plate for Sunday Sept 10th and Sunday Sept 17th is Madison East High School Raza United’s trip to Mexico. Raza United motivates and inspires students of Latinex backgrounds for graduation and a successful future. Raza United is fundraising to send 10 students and 4 chaperones on a once in a life time educational, cultural and life experience to Tepatitlán, Jalisco, México in October for almost 2 weeks. The trip will include attending a college prep high school, experiencing Dia de Los Muertos, and learning about the indigenous Wixaritari people. 

Share the Plate – click here to donate

After Service Board and Minister Listening Sessionmore info here

Click here for this week’s newsletter

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song  “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: Excerpt from “Reels” by Sally Whitwell
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
  • Reflection 1: Credo – Catherine Armina-Quinlan
  • Shared Music “I Know I Can” Hymn #1015 (teal hymnal) 
  • Reflection 2: Credo – Logan Saynisch
  • Shared Music “Turn the World Around” Hymn #107 (teal hymnal) 
  • Reflection 3: Credo – Miles Stimson
  • Shared Music “How Could Anyone” Hymn #1053 (teal hymnal) 
  • Offering  “Waltzing Alone” by Sally Whitwell
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music “Shall We Gather at the River” Hymn #1046 (teal hymnal)
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
