Topic: Welcome

There Is No Them

There are points along the trajectory of being welcoming that we’ve come to understand, like tolerance, acceptance, and inclusion- and “radical welcome” is a phrase that’s surfaced to describe a point beyond inclusion.  This morning, we’ll explore what radical welcome might mean.

The Share the Plate … read more.

Coming of Age Service

Coming of Age is a program for high school aged youth which is our faith’s way of allowing youth to explore what it means to be Unitarian Universalists and live out of fourth principle by aiding them in a free and responsible search for truth … read more.

Water Communion – Welcoming What Is

It’s time for our annual ingathering and water communion service!  This morning, we’ll explore one of the great teachings of water: how to flow with what is.  We’ll also share in ceremonies to dedicate our teachers, welcome our music director, and covenant with our affiliated … read more.