Courage: A Catalyst for Change

The courage of asylum seekers to seek refuge in the United States meets the courage of allies to welcome them in our local Madison community.  Speaker Aissa Olivarez has years of experience representing asylum seekers in immigration court, including young children. She will speak to what she has learned as an advocate and attorney and how she has leveraged her own courage to create change. 

Aissa  is the Managing Attorney at the Community Immigration Law Center (CILC) in Madison. She joined CILC in August 2017, representing many clients in removal and bond proceedings, and appeals.  Prior to joining CILC, Aissa was a Staff Attorney at the Pro Bono Asylum Representation Children’s Project), representing unaccompanied minor children placed in removal proceedings by the Department of Homeland Security. Aissa earned her B.A. in Government from the University of Texas at Austin and,in Law from the University of Wisconsin Law School.

All are welcome in worship, whether you’ve registered or not.  Your registration ahead of time allows for less congestion at the door on Sunday morning, and it helps us plan for spacing in the sanctuary.

Share the Plate

  • The Share-the-Plate for Oct. 16 and 23 will go to the Community Immigration Law Center. The Community Immigration Law Center strives to ensure dignity and access to justice for people, especially those facing deportation, by providing legal representation and consultations, as well as support and education regarding immigration issues for the community at large.

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Centering Sound
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “The Justice Song,” by Kaign Christy and Selorm Tamakloe
  • Call to Worship
  • Opening Hymn: Hymn of the Month: “Sing Your Spirit Home” by Eric Bogle 
  • Lighting the Chalice
  • Musical Response
  • Time for All Ages “Hear My Voice”
  • Hymn: #1002 “Comfort Me, by Mimi Bornstein
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “To those Who Have Died in the Desert”, anonymous
  • Reflection: “Courage: A Catalyst for Change”  with Aissa Olivares
  • Offering: “Keep on moving Forward,” by Pat Humphries and Sandy O; sung by Emma’s Revolution
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Closing Hymn: #1015 “I Know I Can,” by Jeannie Gagné, Rev. Dennis Hamilton, and Mark Freundt.
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction


Help Create Next Sunday’s Reflection – Show Us Your Ordinary Courage

We’re inviting you to participate in making next week’s reflection! The service for next Sunday, October 23, is about the everyday courage of living our lives authentically. Here’s how you can help create the reflection:

Orient yourself toward noticing things in your life that take ordinary courage. When you see or do something that takes ordinary courage, take a picture! Send that picture to Rev. Karen by the end of Thursday, October 20. Optionally, write a very brief (less than 100 words) reflection of why you took the picture. Rev. Karen will share your pictures and reflections during this service. To share your words and pictures, email them to Rev. Karen at revkaren@jruuc-org.

Read more about what everyday courage might mean at this link:

Let’s Get Out the Vote in Wisconsin!

Throughout October, you can help your fellow Reebers ‘Get Out the Vote’ by addressing and sending postcards from UU the VOTE to WI residents. Postcards, addresses, stamps and directions will be provided! Find them in the Foyer most Sundays in October or contact Megan Barry-Luglio for delivery, pickup, or questions.

We have 400 postcards to get in the mail by the end of the month! Contact Megan Barry-Luglio help with UU The Vote. 

Urgent Need for Volunteers to Help With Asylum Seeker in a Wheelchair

There is an urgent need for volunteers to help a young asylum seeker from Nicaragua, who fell and broke both his legs, and is being housed by a Dane Sanctuary Coalition until he can walk again without a wheelchair. JRUUC is a member of the Dane Sanctuary Coalition.  Volunteers are needed as soon as possible to provide meals, short visits, and possibly some rides for this young man. Please contact Leila Pine if you would like more information or to sign up.

For Further Exploration –

The Justice Song

TFAA – Hear My Voice (The Testimonies of Children Detained at the Southern Border of the United States) Complied by Warren Binford – BookVideo

Kids write dozens of touching letters… (video)

Community Immigration Law Center
