Gratitude, Generosity…and Unlearning Colonization

Thanksgiving weekend is complicated.  This morning, we’ll explore how we might acknowledge the mourning of our indigenous siblings and challenge the myths that have been created and perpetuated by the colonizers of this land, while still practicing the generosity that’s come to be associated with this season. 

Our neighbors from Prairie Unitarian Society will join us for this service, and to share a potluck meal afterward.

  • The Share the Plate recipient for Nov. 19 and 26 will be Worker Justice Wisconsin, in gratitude for this year’s Labor in the Pulpit speaker. Worker Justice Wisconsin brings together faith and labor allies to build collective worker power. They advocate for a just and living wage and paid time off for all, as well as workplaces free of discrimination and harassment.

Share the Plate – click here to donate

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Order of Service

  • Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “Skating” by Vince Guaraldi
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
  • Shared Music: “For the Beauty of the Earth” #21 (gray hymnal)
  • Time for All Ages: “Soil Layers of Oppression” created by Rev. Mandi Huizenga
  • Shared Music: “Make Channels for the Streams of Love” #299 (gray hymnal)
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “We Are Grateful, Otsaliheliga” by Tracy Sorrell
  • Reflection: “Gratitude, Generosity… and Unlearning Colonization” with Rev. Karen Armina
  • Offering: “Going Home” by Wayne Gratz
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music: “Building a New Way” #1017 (teal hymnal)
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction

For Further Exploration

Here’s the link for the article by Robin Wall Kimmerer that Rev. Karen read from on Sunday, on the page with the service archive.  It’s “The Serviceberry: An Economy of Abundance” by Robin Wall Kimmerer, and there’s a place you can click on the article page to hear her read it.
