Learning to Break and Bend

Reflections from outgoing Board of Trustees President Renee Buchanan and incoming President Deb Myrbo. Having a spiritual practice is often a way to appreciate the interconnected web we are part of. Today, Renee and Deb will speak about their personal spiritual practices, why having a spiritual practice can be important, and how they have approached losing a spiritual practice.

  • The Share the Plate recipient for July 2nd and 9th is Operation Fresh Start. Operation Fresh Start provides programming that offers a path forward for young adults ages 16-24 to gain meaningful, supported work experience, earn their high school diploma or industry certification, and continue on to higher education and/or self-sustaining employment. Since 1970, it has empowered over 9,000 emerging adults to find a pathway to a life-sustaining career. This organization was nominated by Brian Gehring.

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song:  #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “Circles” by Jennifer Hedstrom
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
  • Shared Music: #1002 “Comfort Me” 
  • Time for All Ages:
  • Shared Music: “I Am Willing” by Holly Near 
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distance ” by Matthew Inman
  • Reflection
  • Offering: “Prairie” by Jennifer Hedstrom
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music: #1015 “I Know I Can” 
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction

Notes for Further Exploration

Story Hand Meditation

Webcomic “The Terrible and Wonderful Reasons Why I Run Long Distance ” by Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal) – Part 1, Part 2

On Being episode with Bishop Schori, the Dalai Lama, Jonathan Sacks, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr – Pursuing Happiness

On Being episode with several guests – Running as Spiritual Practice July 2017

On Being episode with angel Kyodo Williams – The world is our field of practice

On Being episode where Rabbi Sacks shared a story in reference to Genesis 32

On Being episode with Roger Joslin, author of “Running the Spiritual Path”

More about the book “Running the Spiritual Path” Publisher’s PageAmazon page
