Out There and In Here

“Religious naturalism” wrote UU William Murry in his book Reason and Reverence, “is a perspective that finds religious meaning in the natural world and rejects the notion of a supernatural realm.”  This morning, we’ll explore the relationship between scientific and spiritual ways of knowing and making meaning.

The service will include a Ceremony of Welcome for Genevieve McPherson-Shambarger, our new Director of Religious Education!

Share the Plate

  • The Share the Plate recipient for Sunday December 11 and December 18 is Community Action Coalition of South Central of Wisconsin. The CAC is a nonprofit working to end poverty and help people live better lives.

Order of Service

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  • Centering Sound
  • Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “Winter Moon,” Jeanne Cotter
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice
  • Musical Response
  • Shared Music: “This Joy” by Shirley Caeser
  • Ceremony of Welcome for Genevieve McPherson-Shambarger
  • Time for All Ages: “The Vast Wonder of the World: Biologist Ernest Everett Just” by Mélina Mangal
  • Shared Music: Hymn #126 “Come, Thou Font of Every Blessing”
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Call to Worship” by Victoria Safford
  • Reflection: “Out There and In Here” with the Rev. Karen Armina
  • Offering: “Beginner’s Mind,” Liz Story
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music: Hymn #298 “Wake, Now, My Senses”
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction

This week’s news & announcements

Links and Notes For Further Exploration…

What Song” by the Rev. Victoria Safford

“Miracles are explainable; it is the explanations that are miraculous.”  — British cartographer Tim Robinson

Reflections on religious naturalism in Donald Crosby’s A Religion of Nature, Loyal Rue’s Religion Is Not About God, and Jerome Stone’s Religious Naturalism Today
