So Many Paths!

One of the gifts of pluralism is our ability to celebrate and share what we find on our individual journeys.  On Rev. Karen’s first Sunday back after her sabbatical leave, we’ll explore what she, and we, have learned- and celebrate our reunion!

Instead of our usual “first Sunday adult RE session” after the service, we’ll have an informal gathering where we’ll share stories and start reconnecting after Rev. Karen’s leave. 

Worship Associate – Erik Gunn

  • The share the plate partner for Sunday 4/28 and Sunday 5/5/ is Groundswell Conservancy. Since 1983 Groundswell Conservancy has permanently protected hundreds of special places where people can enjoy and explore the out-of-doors in south-central Wisconsin. They work with farm families to keep rich farm soils available for farming. They help elementary schools in Madison create green schoolyards where children can have fun in nature. They manage natural areas to care for wildlife and connect communities to the land.  They improve access and land tenure for farmers of color and New American farmers. Thanks to Julia Richards for nominating them.

Share the Plate – click here to donate

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Order of Service

  • Gathering Song  “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188
  • Welcome
  • Prelude  “Al-yadil yadil yadi,” Palestinian Folk Song, arr. John Higgins
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
  • Ceremony of Return
  • Shared Music  “Our Faith Is but a Single Gem” #193 (gray hymnal)
  • Time for All Ages “The Pear Tree and the Seasons of Life” a story of unknown origin, as told by Donna Kersey
  • Shared Music  “Sing Out Praises for the Journey” #295 (gray hymnal)
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions “That Which Holds All” by Nancy Shaffer
  • Reflection 
  • Offering  “All Lifted Hearts” music by Jason Shelton, words by Kendyl Gibbons
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Shared Music  “De Colores” #305 (gray hymnal)
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction


Special music was provided today by Ensemble Shamaali and the JRUUC Sacred Breath Choir.
