The Paths of Resistance

What do napping, mindfulness, compassion, community-building, and speaking our truths have in common?  This month, as we begin to journey the path of resistance, we’ll explore some of the many forms that path might take.

Share the Plate

  • The Share-the-Plate recipient for April 2 and 9 is Urban Triage. With the help of member Ed Kuharski, they are transforming the Madison Youth Hostel into the Inspired House, which will provide housing for young adults, especially those with children, who are experiencing homelessness. 

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “Morning Praises” by Jason Shelton
  • Call to Worship
  • Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
  • Shared Music: Hymn #116 “I’m On My Way”
  • Time for All Ages: “Centering in Rhythm” with Genevieve McPherson-Shambarger
  • Shared Music: Hymn #1015 “I Know I Can”
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “The Clearing” by Martha Postlewaite
  • Reflection: “The Paths of Resistance” with Rev. Karen Armina
  • Offering: “We Shall Overcome,” an African-American Spiritual, arr. Chuck Marohnic
  • Joys and Sorrows 12
  • Shared Music: “The Tide is Rising” by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman and Yotam Schachter
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction

This Week’s Newsletter

Notes for Further Exploration

Rev. Karen shared wisdom and inspiration from Trisha Hersey and adrienne maree brown during this service.  Please follow these links to continue your exploration of their work on rest and pleasure as resistance.

The Nap Ministry blog by Tricia Hersey

Rest is Resistance book by Tricia Hersey

“for the wild” podcast: “TRICIA HERSEY on Deprogramming from Grind Culture” /318 episode and transcript

Blog by adrienne maree brown

Yes! magazine online: “The Power in Pleasure“ by adrienne maree brown

Pleasure Activism book by adrienne maree brown

How To Survive the End of the World podcast, by adrienne maree brown and Autumn Brown
