The PRO Act

Join us for this service via an on-line Zoom Meeting

“The PRO Act: a collective response of the human heart to the plight of inequity on this Labor Day 2021” with Teresa Mambu Rasch

All people have inherent worth and dignity, and so does all work.  Remarks will review the contrast between the organized and the unorganized, and the difference that unions make in the lives of working people.  It will also highlight the struggle of workers who dare form a union in the United States. It will wrap up with what people of faith, compassion, and/or justice can do to support and strengthen workers’ rights, starting with advocating for passage of a bipartisan bill: the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (“the PRO Act”) in Congress this fall.

Teresa Mambu-Rasch is Legislative and Research Director for the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, where she advocates for and identifies how new laws impact working families in Wisconsin.  She is a graduate of Villanova University in Political Science and Peace & Justice studies and holds a law degree from Marquette University.  She’s been a community organizer for the American Federation of State, Community and Municipal Employees; has practiced law privately for 6 years, representing unions and working people of Wisconsin; and served in her present position since 2014.

Share the Plate

  • This week our Share the Plate donations will go to Jewish Social Services of Madison Refugee Resettlement Project, which provides assistance to refugees and their families through a variety of services and resources, to help them become self-sufficient and create a safe and stable life in Dane County.

Order of Service

  • Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
  • Centering Sound
  • Welcome
  • Prelude: “Joe Hill,” Sung by Paul Robeson
  • Call to Worship
  • Opening Hymn: #121 “Bright Morning Stars”
  • Lighting the Chalice
  • Musical Response
  • Time for All Ages: “I Want My Monster,” by Amanda Noll, illustrated by Howard McWilliam
  • Hymn: #402 “From You I receive”
  • Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Escalating Economic Equality,” Statement of Conscience, UUA, 2017.
  • Reflection: “The PRO Act: a collective response of the human heart to the plight of inequity on this Labor Day 2021” with Teresa Mambu-Rasch”
  • Offering: “Farm Workers’ Song” by Joe Glazer
  • Joys and Sorrows
  • Closing Hymn: #357 “We’ll Build a Land”
  • Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
  • Postlude: “Sixteen Tons,” Merle Travis

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