Topic: Monthly Themes

Generations: Thresholds

After service, join us for an online coffee hour!

For this service, we will be offering a new take on the tradition of inviting people from various generations within our congregations to share a brief reflection on the theme of this month, thresholds. Each person … read more.

A God As Big As Lake Superior, or a Pandemic

Inspired by the Great Lakes, this service outlines the evolution of the speaker’s naturalistic, theological humanism, with reflection on current circumstance.

Rev. David Kraemer serves United Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Waukesha, WI. He is a graduate of United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities and was … read more.

Justice With Joy

If we want to weave our Unitarian Universalist beliefs into our lives and become a more effective congregation, then we need to engage with religious practices in four distinct locations. Today we will explore each of these locations and consider how embodying spiritual practices on … read more.

This I Believe

Join us April 19 on Zoom for the lay-led “This I Believe” service. Reeb founding member Arthur Thexton, longtime member Sarah Cook, and new member Jim Maas will share the core values — spiritual or otherwise — that shape their daily lives.

Join us for … read more.

Roots and Wings

Rachel Avery will be leading our service this week via Zoom. Please join us via this link: [Expired Zoom link removed]

Wisdom, Abundance, and the Common Good

In times of abundant joy, it is easy to feel grateful. The challenge before us is how to handle things when we feel depleted, hurt, fearful, and those around us are holding all the gifts.

Finding our way back Home

Do you sometimes feel disconnected from the best part of yourself, in the grip of unwanted emotions? Join us as we find the way back through paradox to our inner wisdom and strength.