Topic: Monthly Themes

Something So Much Larger

The astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson said “We are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts, is that the universe is in us.” This morning, we’ll explore our connection with everything as … read more.

Blessed Darkness

We are in the season of ever-growing darkness, which will soon end in the longest night of the Winter Solstice. Before we celebrate the return of the light, we’ll spend a morning with the story of Demeter and Persephone, to honor this … read more.

Attention as Spiritual Practice

There is so much in the world that is painful and hard, and sometimes the easiest thing to do is to shut it out.  This morning, we’ll explore what that calls us to pay attention, and what our faith tradition offers that … read more.

Honoring Native Wisdom

Art and Dawn Shegonee will bring us a message of peace and wisdom from ancestral knowledge and their current experience.  Art, a member of the Menominee and Potowatomi tribes, is the Native American ambassador to Milwaukee’s Indian Summer festivals. Dawn … read more.

Look, a Squirrel!

This morning’s service was born out of an idea that arose when Rev. Karen was meeting with our youth: cultivating our attention spans in this age of distraction.  Please join us as we explore this idea in multigenerational community.

Prairie at 50

As we explore our monthly theme of belonging, three members of Prairie UU Society across town will reflect on their spiritual home as it celebrates its 50th anniversary with the publication of a history book. Please join Mary Mullen, Barbara Park and … read more.

Can the Journey Be Home?

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed that “change is the only constant in life.”  As a faith community involved in the work of peace, justice, and sustainability, we’re well aware of the energy it takes to make, and to keep up with, change.  This morning we’ll … read more.

Host or Guest?

The national conversation about Indigenous Peoples Day calls us to think about discovery and colonization.  This morning, in multigenerational community, we’ll explore how our sense of belonging might shift depending on whether we think of ourselves as guests or as hosts.  We’ll also hold a … read more.

Whose Are We?

Our identities are inextricably tied to our relationships.  Douglas Steer asks, “With whose life is your own bound up, inextricably, in obvious or invisible ways?” To begin our month of reflection on what it means to be a people of belonging, we’ll explore the threads … read more.