Topic: Monthly Themes

Water Communion – Welcoming What Is

It’s time for our annual ingathering and water communion service!  This morning, we’ll explore one of the great teachings of water: how to flow with what is.  We’ll also share in ceremonies to dedicate our teachers, welcome our music director, and covenant with our affiliated … read more.

My Faith is Love

Why do Unitarian Universalists work for justice?  On this weekend that Madison celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride, we’ll explore how our faith tradition calls us to work to create a world that is welcoming and safe for all people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Our Share … read more.

Learning to Break and Bend

Reflections from outgoing Board of Trustees President Renee Buchanan and incoming President Deb Myrbo. Having a spiritual practice is often a way to appreciate the interconnected web we are part of. Today, Renee and Deb will speak about their personal spiritual practices, why having a … read more.

General Assembly 2023

General Assembly Sunday Worship with the Rev. Manish Mishra-Marzetti, Senior Minister of the First UU Congregation of Ann Arbor, MI

The pandemic has wrought change and created uncertainty for institutions, like our Unitarian Universalist congregations, and our wider world.  Who and what are we becoming, individually … read more.

A Collection of Everyday Delights

If you had the forethought to store up delights you’ve experienced, to revisit when you need a smile, what would they be?  This morning, we’ll offer some poems about everyday delights to inspire us, and we’ll invite you to share your everyday delights.

[There is no … read more.

Beauty Calls Us Together – Flower Communion

This year is the 100th anniversary of the first flower ceremony, as created by Norbert Capek in Prague.  We’ll celebrate with story and music created especially for this occasion, and by co-creating a beautiful bouquet that symbolizes the many blessings of our beloved community.

If you’re … read more.