Updates from the E-News – RE, Music, Justice News and More…

From this week’s newsletter:

This Sunday: Ask Away! with Rev. Karen – We are back up to capacity of 58 so come on in!

Donate to Share the Plate – Literacy Network

Listening Sessions for COVID Plan Update – click for details

  • Wed. Aug 24th 7:15-8:15 on Zoom
  • Sunday Aug. 28th after the service in person

Social Justice Update – click for details

  • Black History Course (Sept 21 – Nov 19) – Contact Leila Pine by August 26th to join a Reeb group
  • MARRCH (Madison Abortion and Reproductive Rights Coalition for Healthcare) Activities
    • Friday Aug. 26th 4-6 – Make Banners at the Capitol
    • MARCCH Sunday Sept. 11th 1-4 – March and Speak Out – Library Mall to Capitol
    • MARCCH Sunday Sept. 24th – 10-4 Rally
  • MOSES Garage Sale Aug. 26 and 27

NOTE: Deadline for Announcements is Tuesday at 10 p.m. Submit announcements for the website any time. Please send your announcement to office@jruuc.org and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email.

Religious Education Update – click for details

  • Coming of Age – Participants and Mentors – contact Mandy
  • RE Planning – We need your help
  • Water Communion and Family Meetup Sept. 11th

Music and Choir Update – click for details

  • Choir Rehearsal Thursday Aug. 25th at 6:45 (email Heather if you are new)
  • Regular rehearsals begin September 8th, Thursdays at 7
  • Sing for the Climate video (with Girl Scouts)

Rev. Karen’s Musing for this week – Seeking Blessings

Minister’s Availability

Small Group Ministry – Octavia’s Parables Discussion Group, Meditation Group, Sacred Breath Choir, Covenant Groups forming for this year

Events Calendar

Groundskeeping Sign-up

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