9/7/22 E-News Summary

Sunday Sept. 11th: Flowing Like Time – Water Communion / Ingathering with Rev. Karin Armina – We are back up to our maximum capacity of 140, with singing and coffee hour so come on in! You can brink water on Sunday or drop it off on Friday or Saturday at the times below.

Donate to Share the Plate – UW Nurses Union

If you don’t receive our weekly newsletter yet, you can sign up here.

Sept. 8th (Thursday) at 7:00 – Choir practice resumes – Newcomers welcome (email Heather music@jruuc.org)

Sept. 9th (Friday) 6-7:30pm – Drop off water for Water Communion

Sept. 10th (Saturday) 9-Noon – Building Work Day – Come as you are able! Many hands make light work.

Sept. 10th (Saturday) 4-6pm – Drop off water for Water Communion

Sept. 11th – (Sunday) After the Service – RE & Families Meeting – We need your input!

Sept. 12th (Monday) 7pm – Journaling Group resumes

Covenant Groups Forming SoonSee this brochure. Sign-up here.

Small Group Ministry – descriptions of groups – Octavia’s Parables Discussion Group, Meditation Group, Sacred Breath Choir, Covenant Groups forming for this year, Journaling Group

Covid Plan revision approved – click for more information and helpful list of FAQ’s

Save the Date

Nov. 12th – Reeb Rave – Party & Auction Fundraiser

Events Calendar (click for complete calendar)

Office Administrator Hired!

Welcome Morgan Stewart! 
Our new Office Administrator started September 1st and will be in the office from 11am-3pm on Tuesdays & Wednesdays and remotely on Fridays from 11am-3pm. When she’s not in the office, she’s either busy studying with her cohort in UW Madison’s Certified Professional Coach Program, working on her acting chops, or enjoying the sights around Madison.   

Minister’s Availability – New hours – click for details for in person and zoom hours on Tuesday, and in person hours on Fridays

Religious Education Update – click for details

  • Coming of Age – Participants and Mentors – contact Mandy
  • RE Planning – We need your help
  • Water Communion and Family Meetup Sept. 11th

Social Justice Update – click for details

  • MARRCH (Madison Abortion and Reproductive Rights Coalition for Healthcare) Activities
    • MARCCH Sunday Sept. 11th 1-4 – March and Speak Out – Library Mall to Capitol
    • MARCCH Sunday Sept. 24th – 10-4 Rally

Music and Choir Update – click for details

  • Regular rehearsals begin September 8th, Thursdays at 7 (no rehearsal 9/1/22)
  • Learn a new song by Becky Post “Welcome Home”

Rev. Karen’s Musing for this week

Groundskeeping Sign-up

NOTE: Deadline for Announcements is Tuesday at 10 p.m. Submit announcements for the website any time. Please send your announcement to office@jruuc.org and specify where you would like it listed by writing Sunday Announcement and/or Weekly and/or Website in the subject line of your email.

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