Congregation members Janet Rex, Rand Hill, Virginia Scholtz, Deb Myrbo and Susan Podebradsky will show us how poetry and other arts help them awaken to themselves and to the wider world. When we come to know ourselves more clearly and share our truth with others we offer a beacon, inviting them to also show up with their true selves.
We will also have some beautiful live music today from Sarah Hallas, Sophie Hannauer, and Heather Yonker.
Share the Plate
The Share the Plate donations for April 17 and 24 will go to the Farley Center for Peace, Justice, and Sustainability. They serve as an incubator for organic farms, demonstrate natural burials, provide a retreat center, and facilitate education and social action around peace, justice, and sustainability.
Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Centering Sound
- Welcome
- Prelude: “Becoming,” Mary Grigolia
- Opening Words
- Opening Hymn: #61 “Lo the Earth Awakes Again”
- Lighting the Chalice
- Musical Response
- Time for All Ages: “Change Sings,” by Amanda Gorman
- Hymn: #101 “Abide With Me”
- Wisdom and Reflections – Susan Podebradsky, Rand Hill, Deb Myrbo, Janet Rex, and Virginia Scholtz
- Offering: “The Grass” by Mary Lynn Lightfoot (text Emily Dickinson)
- Joys and Sorrows
- Closing Hymn: #118 “This Little Light of Mine”
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
- Postlude: “Whose Life Is It Anyway,” Susan Podebradsky
Topics: Awakening