Check your email for information sent 2/26/22 about registering for limited capacity in-person attendance.
This is African American History Month, and learning history means learning about people’s lives and communities. In this world where “Black Lives Matter” protests still have to happen regularly, we often find Black lives made visible only after they’ve been ended. This morning, we’ll celebrate the lives of some Madison African Americans.
Share the Plate
Our Share the Plate recipient for this week is the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice and Sustainability. They are a statewide coalition of activist groups and citizens of conscience connecting with each other, fostering education, and functioning as a catalyst for community organizing to create a peaceful, just, and sustainable world.
Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Centering Sound
- Welcome
- Prelude: “Flowers and Candles,” by Carmen Lundy
- Call to Worship
- Opening Hymn: #153 “Oh, I Woke Up This Morning”
- Lighting the Chalice
- Musical Response
- Time for All Ages: “Three Wise Women,” Megan Mathieson
- Hymn: #170 “We Are a Gentle, Angry People”
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Your Life Matters” by Kenny Wiley
- Reflection: “Black LIVES Matter” with Rev. Karen
- Offering: “If,” by Jackie Moore
- Joys and Sorrows
- Closing Hymn: #169 “We Shall Overcome”
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
- Postlude: “Something’s Gotta Give,” by Ann G
Notes from the Service
- The Emergent Strategy Podcast (adrienne marie brown)
- Octavia’s Parables Podcast (adrienne marie brown and Toshi Reagon)
- How to Survive the End of the World (adrienne marie brown and Autumn Brown)
- Code Switch (NPR)
- Levar Burton Reads
- Black Like Me (with Madison’s own Alex Gee)
- Dare to Lead (Brene Brown)
Black Authors mentioned:
- Isabelle Wilkerson
- Toni Morrison
- Octavia Butler
- N.K. Jemison
- adrienne marie brown – List of Books
- Richard Harris – “Growing Up Black in South Madison” (available from the library)
Online Course:
10-week series offered by The Madison, WI Institutes for the Healing of Racism, Inc
Topics: Monthly Themes, Widening the Circle