We Need Not Think Alike

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Recently in the public sphere, we’ve been hearing calls for unity.  These calls can harm as well as heal, depending on how they consider and treat difference.  This morning, we’ll explore the roles of sameness, agreement, and difference in beloved community.

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  • Porchlight has been providing shelter to men experiencing homelessness since 1984. This year is no exception. Daily health screenings are keeping the shelter and our community safer from COVID-19.  Exciting news is that a permanent location has been identified for the shelter. One day JRUUC may be back offering on-site volunteer services.  Right now, all donations will be put to good use! 

Order of Service for February 14, 2021
“We Need Not Think Alike,” with Rev. Karen Armina

Gathering Song: Hymn #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
Centering Sound
Prelude: “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine),”
   by REM, offered by Lea Morris and Rachel Taylor
Call to Worship
Opening Hymn: #347 “Gather the Spirit”
Lighting the Chalice
Musical Response
Time for All Ages: “If the World Were a Village,”
   adapted from a book by David J. Smith
Hymn: #318 “We Would Be One”
Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Beloved Community,”
   Alex Kapitan and Rev Mykal Slack
Reflection: “We Need Not Think Alike” with Rev. Karen Armina
Offering: “Harmonize” by Rising Appalachia
Joys and Sorrows
Closing Hymn: #1023 “Building Bridges”
Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
Postlude: “We Are…,” Ysaye Barnwell

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