Many people believe it’s time to shift our strategies in the face of climate change, from prevention to compassionate, clear-eyed, vibrant, intentional adaptation. On this Earth Day, we’ll explore some of the lessons in resistance we see in nature, and we’ll ritualize our grief and our hope for the world. And our own David Lauth and Mike Stimson will offer special music in their premiere as a duo!
Share the Plate
The share the plate for 4/16/2023 and 4/23/2023 is The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC). The UUSC advances human rights and social justice around the world, partnering with those who confront unjust power structures and mobilizing to challenge oppressive policies. It’s work is grounded in the belief that all people have inherent power and dignity. The UUSC supports self-determination and defends the rights of people displaced due to climate, conflict or economic hardships and responds to humanitarian crises as partners with people whose access to aid is most limited.
Order of Service
- Gathering Song: #188 “Come, Come, Whoever You Are”
- Welcome
- Prelude: “Paradise” by John Prine
- Call to Worship
- Lighting the Chalice and Musical Response
- Story Wisdom: “The Lorax” by Dr. Seuss
- Shared Music: Hymn #1064 “Blue Boat Home”
- Reflection: “The First Earth Day Celebration” with Deb Myrbo
- Reflection from Genevieve McPherson-Shambarger, DRE: Letter from Youth
- Shared Music: Hymn #170 “We Are a Gentle, Angry People”
- Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “How To Survive the Apocalypse” by Sean Parker Dennison
- Reflection and Ritual with Rev. Karen Armina
- Offering: “Big Yellow Taxi” by Joni Mitchell
- Joys and Sorrows
- Shared Music: “The Tide is Rising” by Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman and Yotam Schachter
- Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction
Click here for our weekly news
“The Great Turning” by Christine Fry
“Climate Crisis and a Betrayed Generation” – Letter to The Guardian
Local Organizations working on Climate Issues
350 Wisconsin –
This is the local chapter of the international organization working on climate education, advocacy and activism. 350 WI has several campaign teams working on stopping the building of pipelines to transfer tar sands sludge in Wisconsin and Minnesota, to get large banks (and other organizations) to divest their funding for tar sands and fossil fuel extraction, developing state and local government policies for expanding alternative energy and working on climate justice issues. We have a very active art collective that uses art and dance for climate actions and education, as well as other teams. Monthly meetings are the first Monday of the month. Join us. For more info talk to Kelly or Kirsten.
Safe Skies Clean Waters –
Safe Skies mission is to stop the harm that the basing of F-35 fighter jets at Truax Field, Madison will inflict and force the clean-up of existing PFAS contamination of the water supply emanating from the base. The website has a great new video explaining the impact of the F35s to children’s health. It also tells you how to get a yard sign and take further action. For more info talk to Tom.
Sierra Club, Wisconsin Chapter – and the local Four Lakes Group –
Sierra Club is a large environmental activism group working on many issues. The WI chapter has been very active in climate issues, particularly Line 5, tar sands extraction and other destructive mining.
Building Unity –
Building Unity is a movement, started by Tim Cordon, to encourage organizations across Wisconsin working on social justice, peace, sustainability and democracy to work together and support each other’s outreach, advocacy and activism efforts. They host events around the state. For more information contact Tim.
Take Action on Climate Issues!
Sign petitions and write to elected officials
Send letters to Gov. Evers, Senator Baldwin and Dane Co. Executive Joe Parisi opposing the F35’s and demanding clean-up of the PFAS contamination at Truax.
Find out what’s happening in
Dane County
Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change “What You Can Do”
United Nations Act Now “Start with These Ten Actions”
Upcoming Events
Faiths Connect for Climate Action Quarterly Meeting
When: Thursday, May 4, 7:00-8:30 pm
Where: Zoom
Register for the virtual event here:
Large tar sands action being planned – hoping to get 1000 people there
When: August (date TBD)
Where: probably Superior
Details yet to come

Click here for our Justice and Community Update page
Topics: Resistance