What They Dreamed Be Ours To Do

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“What They Dreamed Be Ours To Do” with Rev. Karen

Throughout our history, Unitarian Universalism has been a faith defined by covenant – our promises to each other and to our fellow humans.  This morning, we’ll explore the commitments of some of our ancestors, including the Rev. James Reeb, and how those commitments call to us.

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  • Women In Focus, Inc. envisions a world in which dreams are fulfilled through a worldwide partnership where all barriers to education are erased for students of color. This is a local group led mostly by Black women. They fund scholarships to both high school seniors and adults of color returning to continue post-high school education. They also support projects promoting literacy and education.

Order of Service – 3/14/21, Rev. Karen Armina

Gathering Song: “Come, Come, Whoever You Are” #188

Centering Sound


Prelude: “A Dedication,” by Lea Morris

Call to Worship

Opening Hymn: “Rank by Rank Again We Stand” #358

Lighting the Chalice

Musical Response video from Sophie, Amanda, Heather

Time for All Ages: “Jericho,” by Rev. Christopher Buice

Hymn: “We Are Not Our Own” #317

Wisdom from the World’s Traditions: “Shaped By Our Dedication To The Values That Shape Us,” by Rev. Karen Johnston

Reflection: “What They Dreamed Be Ours To Do” with Rev. Karen

Offering: “Building a New Way” by Martha Sandefer

Joys and Sorrows

Closing Hymn: “The Fire Of Commitment” #1028

Extinguishing the Chalice and Benediction

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