This congregation is committed to service to our community, so we give half of all offerings donated at this page and at our Sunday collection to local organizations whose work furthers our mission. 

  • The share-the-plate for July 14 and 21 will be Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development. They cultivate youth empowerment, community leadership, and reentry services. They also offer the Justified Anger series of educational courses on systemic racism and Black history. They were nominated by Kelly Kearns. 

In the spirit of love and for the continuing work of this congregation, please use this form to donate to our community and to JRUUC.

In order to segregate our Plate donations, please do not use this form for your pledge payment. Instead please contribute your pledge with our pledge donation form.

You are encouraged to nominate an organization for future Share-The-Plate consideration. Please read our guidelines for more information and also check our list of past recipients.