Speaker: Erik Gunn

Stories of Resistance

What does “Turn the Other Cheek” really mean?  Or other of the aphorisms that Jesus is recorded as having told his followers two thousand years ago?  Erik Gunn draws on the work of Methodist theologian and anti-apartheid activist Walter Wink in today’s service. [Image Credit: … read more.

“Every Person…?”

Between the brutality of war in our time and the cruelties perpetrated by our own lawmakers against the most vulnerable among us, the world feels like a horror show these days. How do we reconcile our passions for confronting injustice — and the desire for … read more.

You’re Welcome

Many, perhaps most of us were taught as children to say “You’re welcome” when someone thanked us. But how often do we say that now? And what does our response show us about the role of gratitude in our life? Drawing on the book Grateful by Diana … read more.