Speaker: Rev. Karen Armina

Everyday Courage

It’s so easy to see and celebrate the “big” acts of courage.  In addition to the heroic acts that alter history, there are also the daily choices that prevent history from altering us!  Bending the arc of the universe toward justice deserves praise, but so … read more.

From You I Receive…

Last week, we explored the many kinds of courage it takes to simply show up as ourselves.  This morning, we’ll do a deeper dive into the courage needed and the courage shared as we work to build a world where everyone can thrive.  We’ll also … read more.

If I Only Had the Nerve

We’ll be invited to explore “the path of courage” throughout the month of October, and we’ll start off this morning with some exploration of what courage is. What does it mean to have courage? Where do we find it? How do we know we have … read more.

Open Circles

Just hearing the word “belonging” can conjure up a deep desire to be included- but being let into the circle is only one section of the path of belonging.  This morning, we’ll explore another section of the path- getting to participate in expanding the circle.

All … read more.

Flowing Like Time – Water Communion

This year, it feels especially important to reflect on our coming back together after our summer activities.  We’ve been apart in some form or another for two and a half years.  Let’s celebrate coming back together in multigenerational worship with stories and song – and … read more.

Ask Away!

A fun annual summer tradition – a “question box” service!  What are you curious about?  What questions do you have for Rev. Karen – spiritual, personal, ethical, philosophical, religious?  Rev. Karen will collect written questions in the chat and in the sanctuary, and offer her … read more.

Just Look Up

The stars are so far away, and if we live in light-filled parts of the world, we can barely see them.  Yet we’re intimately connected to them.  This morning, we’ll explore how we’re touched and inspired by the night sky.

Share the Plate

Today’s Share … read more.

Resting in the Grace of the World

After spending almost two weeks camping in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, I’m feeling moved to reflect on Wendell Berry’s poem, “The Peace of Wild Things.”  So this morning we’ll explore our connections with the natural world and what wisdom and healing we might find … read more.

The Guest House

How can we celebrate blessings when there is so much hurt in the world?  One wisdom teaching, Rumi’s poem “The Guest House,” advises us to “welcome and entertain them all!”  This morning, we’ll explore how we might celebrate the full complexity of life.

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