Topic: Monthly Themes

Out There and In Here

“Religious naturalism” wrote UU William Murry in his book Reason and Reverence, “is a perspective that finds religious meaning in the natural world and rejects the notion of a supernatural realm.”  This morning, we’ll explore the relationship between scientific and spiritual ways of knowing and … read more.

Decolonizing Thanks Giving – a Virtual Worship Service

Unitarian Universalism’s history, during the Civil War era, is directly connected to the creation of the mythos supporting the US Thanksgiving holiday and the historically inaccurate and harmful colonial narrative of “Pilgrims and the Indians,” and the pageant traditions that perpetuate these harms.  In recent … read more.

Bend or Break?

Many stories tell us how, when the winds of change blow, it’s better to be like the supple willow than the unmoving oak.  This morning, we’ll explore the relationship between flexibility and change, and how we might move with the times.

All are welcome in worship, … read more.

Our Future’s Past

November 6

The Sunday before Election Day is a good time to invite the wisdom of our ancestors, and to be mindful of the generations that will follow us.  This morning, we’ll share in a ritual of remembrance for the authors of our history, and we’ll … read more.

The Courage to Connect: Healing Our Ancestral Lines

The Rev. David Pettee was a white man who served as Director of Ministerial Credentialing for the Unitarian Universalist Association, and whose ancestors were northern slaveholders.  Patricia Mann is a descendant of Cuff Simmons, one of the slaves owned by David’s family.  We’ll read their … read more.

Everyday Courage

It’s so easy to see and celebrate the “big” acts of courage.  In addition to the heroic acts that alter history, there are also the daily choices that prevent history from altering us!  Bending the arc of the universe toward justice deserves praise, but so … read more.

Courage: A Catalyst for Change

The courage of asylum seekers to seek refuge in the United States meets the courage of allies to welcome them in our local Madison community.  Speaker Aissa Olivarez has years of experience representing asylum seekers in immigration court, including young children. She will speak to … read more.