Topic: Monthly Themes

The Language of Faith

Some Unitarian Universalists have reclaimed the word “faith” and made it their own; others have a deep aversion to its use for a range of reasons.  And everything in between.  This morning, we’ll interrogate this word a bit: What is faith?  Is it a thing … read more.

Black LIVES Matter

Check your email for information sent 2/26/22 about registering for limited capacity in-person attendance.

This is African American History Month, and learning history means learning about people’s lives and communities.  In this world where “Black Lives Matter” protests still have to happen regularly, we often find … read more.


The labyrinth is often used as a meditative tool, and is said to help focus the mind as the body moves through its path.  It’s not a maze in which one can get lost; rather, it’s a set path that can simply be followed inward … read more.

Bend Me, Shape Me

Imbolc traditionally marks the first whisper of spring, and celebrates Brigid, the Goddess of metalsmithing – bending, shaping, and molding with fire.  This morning, we’ll explore our own power to shape and remake ourselves and the world.

Share the Plate

Our Share the Plate recipient this … read more.

Intention + Covenant = Consent

[Note: This reflection’s recording also contains voices of Reeb members recalling why we came, why we stayed, and how we participate in and benefit from our congregation.]

We’ve been hearing the language of “covenantal consent” as we review the new version of the COVID-19 Strategic Plan … read more.

Let It Be a Dance

The “magic” in music and dance, said our Music Director Heather Yonker during a brainstorming session for this month’s theme, is when the “intention and flow forward motion” in them are not interrupted.  And we can understand intention and flow in many ways, sometimes even … read more.

The Best Intentions

This first Sunday of the New Year, we usually gather in multigenerational community for our Fire Communion service, in which we seal our intentions in the ritual of the burning bowl.  This year, our ritual will happen in our homes – and you’re invited to … read more.