Topic: Monthly Themes

The Guest House

How can we celebrate blessings when there is so much hurt in the world?  One wisdom teaching, Rumi’s poem “The Guest House,” advises us to “welcome and entertain them all!”  This morning, we’ll explore how we might celebrate the full complexity of life.

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Blessed by Each Other – Flower Communion

This congregation was founded with the understanding that the people are the church, and every year in June we celebrate the community we create together.  This morning, we’ll make a communal bouquet with the flowers you bring, and take them home as reminders of the … read more.

Unruly Beauty

How might we redefine beauty in a way that makes room for all the parts in us that we have deemed unloveable? What if instead of beauty being about perfection, we embraced it as unruly?

Rev. Wendy Williams will be joining us virtually this week. She … read more.

Beautiful Together

It’s been a hard couple of years, characterized by pandemic, confusion, division, war, and deteriorating democracy.  It’s easy to succumb to fear and ugliness.  And.  Our values and principles guide us toward love, hope, peace, and freedom.  This morning, we’ll explore the role of our … read more.

Beltane Beauty

At Beltane, or May Day, earth energies are said to be at their strongest, making it a brilliant moment in the Wheel of the Year to bring ideas, hopes, and dreams into action.  It’s the time to celebrate sexuality and sensuality, passion, vitality, joy, and … read more.

Awakening to Ourselves

Congregation members Janet Rex, Rand Hill, Virginia Scholtz, Deb Myrbo and Susan Podebradsky will show us how poetry and other arts help them awaken to themselves and to the wider world. When we come to know ourselves more clearly and share our truth with others … read more.

Rising Green

Today is Easter for our Christian siblings, when they celebrate the rising of Jesus from the tomb he had been laid after being crucified.  And it is the Sunday before Earth Day, the day we focus on greening our future.  This morning, we’ll explore the … read more.

Awakening to Injustice

What does it mean to be “woke”?  How does one get woke, and stay woke?  And what does that have to do with spirituality or religion.  This morning, we’ll hear from some activists, and explore these and other questions for ourselves.

This is YOUTH SUNDAY!  Rev. … read more.